
A Quickie: The If-Someone-Shows-You-Who-They-Are, You-Should-Believe-Them Election

The 2018 mid-terms are mostly history. We’re still waiting on a couple of recounts and mail-in votes to be counted to determine a few outcomes. While the Dems did not win as much as our fevered dreams had hoped they would, and the Repubes won more than what any sane electorate would allow them, there is one very clear take away: a portion of the electorate has shown us who they are, and we should believe them.

If it hasn’t been clear to you up until now, let me remove those rose-colored glasses: a substantial minority of the American electorate is racist authoritarian Nazis who are longing to live in a fascist state. It really is as simple as that.

The Ol’ Pussy Grabber has been serenading his base with all kind of blunt and discordant dog whistles for the past three years. He has gotten them all lathered up into a frothy head of racism. The main stream media can pussy foot around it all they want. They can both side it to death, but that is what it is. These people are longing to live in an openly racist apartheid state.

They responded to the call and came out in droves to vote for openly racist authoritarian politicians like Brian Kemp, Ron Desantis, and Ted Cruz. We have irredeemable and unrepentant racists living in our midst. When racism was taboo, they knew enough to keep their racist views to themselves. Now that the thin veneer that covered their racism has been removed they are dancing in the streets in celebration.

No one wants to believe that racism has been flourishing in the darkened corners and little used closets of America, but it has. No one want s to think ill of their neighbor and risk offending them by calling it what it is. That’s why we had talk of the economically distressed voter in 2016 until social science made it clear that it was the racially distressed voter. That’s why the mainstream media maintains a steady beat of both sideism. But, this election has made it clear: every vote for the Repubes was an endorsement of the Ol’ Pussy Grabber and his racist authoritarianism.

We were in a fight for our democracy with the Machiavellian authoritarian forces of the Repubes led by Mitch McConnell. His wing’s constant use of the Southern Strategy has maintained the racist element in the country. It has fed and nurtured it. It has released the ugly demagoguery of race baiting fear mongering scapegoating foreigners and immigrants on us. We are now in a fight for our democracy with the openly racist base of the Repube party.

The victory of the Ol’ Pussy Grabber, the Repubes, and the racists among us — and anything short of a blue tsunami is a victory — will only embolden the worst elements. In the past, we saw uncomfortable white women calling the police on black and brown people who were out living their lives. We’ve seen ugly racist confrontations and open claims of being white makes me better being made. We’ve seen the unhinged racists doing real violence by sending pipe bombs and committing mass shootings. Now, we can expect to see physical violence by an impromptu mob of white people attacking people of of color.

Our failure as a country to rebuke the Repubes in the mid-terms will be taken as approval and read as they are in the majority. They will now act against anyone they perceive as opposition.

As it turns out, we really are the United Fucking States of Fucking Stupid.

15 replies »

  1. Ahhh is is so good to be back!! Had some computer issues, and other “stuff”….but seeing the heart breaking things ( the killings in the bar and restaurant ) Voting ….. had a strange feeling for me this year…. so much crap and so little time to scrape it off!! The Democrats have a bit of edge… knuckles can relax a bit, but vigilance is still the imperative!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Howdy Francese!

      I’m glad you’re back, too! I was out of it for a bit. No computer problems for me, thankfully, and knock on something resembling wood, but I certainly had other “stuff” by the bucket load. Thankfully, the elections did swing the Dem way even though some of those big name marquee races didn’t. I will miss Beto’s campaign. Gillum and Abrams both have a chance, though. If Nelson and Simena pull out their races then, the Dems won’t be much worse off than they were before the election.

      No time to rest on our laurels, though. We’ve got to get ready for 2020!



        • Howdy Francese!

          I know popular opinion is for him to run on the presidential ticket in 2020, but I think he should make another run at the senate then. FiveThirtyEight had an interesting article discussing the demographic changes in Texas that might be enough to put him over the top in 2020.



  2. Thank you. I am glad you said it. It is not only McConnell, Kemp and Cruz, but a host of Southern Senators, Representatives and appointed officials (example, now resigned AG Jeff Sessions) who still want the return of the Jim Crow and racist nation.

    I also fear that the strengthening of the republican Senate also shows how strong the 45th occupant of the White House will be in 2020.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Howdy Jerry!

      Jeff Sessions did set civil rights back about fifty years between him and the gutting of the Voting Rights Act. I’m afraid the biggest blow will be the federal judiciary.

      Don’t be too concerned about the outcome of the Senate races, though. It was a touch cycle for the Dems. They had too many vulnerable candidates running in deep red states. If Sinema and Nelson pull out their races, then the gains of the Repubes will be greatly limited. 2020 will be the mirror image of this election for the Repubes, albeit in a presidential election year. 2020 could very well result in Dems controlling both the Congress and WH again. We won’t control the courts for another generation, I’m afraid, though.



        • Howdy Bob!

          The tide has been flowing against the despicables since about 1965 when the Voting Rights Act passed. It’s only begun to return recently. It is one reason that the suicide rate is up among white conservative rural male voters. A couple of years ago I wrote a blog post about that. Unfortunately, whatever surface changes the despicables had managed to make to blend into polite society has been removed. They are going old school racist on us now. It’s going to take us another generation to undo this mess.


          Liked by 1 person

    • Howdy Bob!

      Ya gotta play the hand that you were dealt. We’ve got to take the long view in a very entitled immediate gratification culture. We’ve gotten the House, governorships, and state legislatures — I think we won about 300 seats in state legislatures nationwide, about a third of what we lost while Obama was in office. That means we can limit the effects of gerrymandering without the Repube-packed courts. 2020 is shaping up to be a very good cycle already: the Repubes are defending a disproportionate number of seats like the Dems did this cycle… and it will be a hotly contested presidential year. We should be able to turn out the vote like we did this year. Unfortunately, the Repubes probably will, too.


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