
The Psychological Motivations of the Players in the Second Government Shutdown

You knew when the Ol’ Pussy Grabber won, it was going to be a wild ride. We didn’t know what exact contours of the shock waves that his caustic chaotic confusion that he would unleash upon the government, country, and the world, but, just like watching a nuclear blast on the horizon, you knew the wave was coming accompanied by the horror of debris and fire as well as the invisible and far more dangerous contaminants and the long-term damage that will haunt the survivors. We knew it was coming and had all the horror stemming from awaiting the inevitable horror.

The Issues of the Shutdown

Let me review the issues around this shutdown: Everybody wants to help the Dreamers. Everybody wants to fund the military, especially given the egregious training and deployment disasters we’ve experienced recently. Everybody wants to get Americans healthcare. Everybody thinks deficit spending is bad. So, gee, we should be able to do all of that. We’re all mature, intelligent people who at least “agree” on these broad goals. Surely, we should be able to compromise and come up with a solution to these problems.

I mean, right? We’re a democracy, and compromise with the minority party is what makes democracy work and separates it from all other authoritarian forms of government.

The first consideration is that we’ve known these impasses were coming for months and years. This particular one, we’ve known of for three weeks. Adults with strong executive functioning skills or even mediocre ones, should be able to avoid the situation altogether. Of course, the Ol’ Pussy Grabber with his extreme executive dysfunction and his contrarian narcissism was hoping for a shutdown, cuz he likes him some chaos and consternation. They make good excuses for failure and doing nothing.

Senator Rand Paul

Right now, we’ve been shut down for about 15 minutes, and everyone is staring daggers at Senator Rand Paul (R-Convenient Libertarianism) for not letting them pass their hypocritical bill. So, why is Rand being so mean! Why won’t he let the Repube Senators be the heroes of the shutdown? Apparently, Rand’s chronic spinal affliction is acting up and he finds himself with a terminal stiffy run up his ass. He’s pulling a publicity stunt so he can pretend like he has a chance of winning the presidency next time. Okay, so his arrogant narcissistic self-delusion is pushing him to be a right prick. But, tomorrow’s headline will be Randy stands on principle and won’t let the dysfunctional hypocritical Congress blow up the already blowed up budget — the unneeded and unwanted permanent tax cut for the super wealthy already took care of that. So, good one, Rand. That’s a principled stand. But, maybe Ms. Dr. Paul will hold her nose and put on her sleep mask and let him do what ever he fussily does with her.

The Ol’ Pussy Grabber

Much has been made of the Ol’ Pussy Grabber snoozing through the shutdown drama. Okay, he wasn’t snoozing. His favorite Russian pee-hooker was smuggled into the country and she’s been pissing all over the Resolute Desk and our American values while the Ol’ Pussy Grabber watches safely from the couch while he giggles and blushes… allegedly, but you know it’s true.

You’d think that a real strong visionary committed leader and negotiator and stable genius would be able to put a cork in the hooker for a minute and grab the pain in the Rand by the pussy and lean in real close so Randy can feel his breath on his neck and ear and smell the grease still clinging to his fingers, lips, and lapels and whisper in his husky voice and strangely small round mouth Hey! Get the vote over with and I’ll share the pee-hooker with you. Besides, this bill is important to me. You gatta take this one in the pussy for me, Randy. That’s what a common Obama would do. The real master of this shit, el BJ, would take his voodoo doll testicles of the offending senator out of the bottom drawer of his desk and squeeze ’em really slow like while projecting his disturbingly low-pitched baritone chuckle directly into his auditory cortex. But, the Ol’ Pussy Grabber can’t even muster up the abilities of Obama or Clinton much less el BJ, so he just sits stewing in his executive dysfunction unable to tear him away from the pee hooker creating a veritable fountain of uric acid laced fluids on the Resolute Desk.

Senator Mitch McConnell

The animatronic wax dummy that is Mitch McConnell (R-Empty Soul) is motivated by his desire to pull a fast one on the dumb Dems by stringing them along with his DACA lie. Ha ha! Those ding dang dumb Dems will vote for this bill thinking I’m going to allow a DACA bill! He can barely talk for giggling over his evil cleverness and he certainly can’t handle the gavel because he can’t stop rubbing his hands together all Gargamel-like.

Seriously, I think the devil done sucked all the soul and liquids from Mitch leaving him an empty hollow husk of a person who cares for no one and no thing. Complete psychopath but with relatively effective executive functioning.

Representative Paul Ryan

The wee-worm, Paul Ryan (R-Mirror Mirror on the Wall), can’t pull himself away from his endless primping as the handsomest muscliest wonkiest Congress critter god ever graced the Congress with! Paul definitely over estimates his skills, abilities, and interests, and always blames someone else for his failures of leadership and ideas. That makes him a narcissistic personality disorder. He’s not malignant like the Ol’ Pussy Grabber. And he has at least a modicum of executive functioning which he uses any time he finds himself hrumphing out of view of a mirror.

Has anyone ever managed her caucus worser, inepter, or emptier than Paul? Has there ever been a policy wonk devoider of ideas and insights and understanding of any issue facing the country? And, it ain’t ever his fault. Narcissism to a tee.

Representative Nancy Pelosi

The filibustering Nancy Pelosi (D-“Heart”) stamped her little feet and waved her little fists in the air and she gave that empty-headed Paul Ryan a piece of her mind and proved to the country that she cared! CARED! I mean, she really cares. Like really really cares about all them there Dreamers and can’t believe she believed that lying no good snake, Mitch McConnell’s promise that Paul Ryan would take up a DACA bill! How could she be expected to know that Mitch couldn’t affect what happened in the House? Hunh? It’s not like she ever ran the House or anything.

She does care. She pulled her publicity stunt to try and string Dreamers and immigrants and immigrant sympathizers until they can all stuff ballot boxes with voter fraud for Dems in 2018 but ha ha! Jokes on her! The Repubes have contracted with the Russians to ensconce them in a permanent majority! No body democracies better than the Repubes!


8 replies »

  1. These budget fights are tiresome. One would think that it would be relatively straightforward to come up with a budget to fund the government for a whole year, but even this process has becoming politicized to a disgusting level. The Republicans do not know how to govern and this is proof of it.

    But, when you think about it, this all goes back to money. The GOP is owned by corporations and big donors. Paul Ryan was quickly giving $500,000 after that ungodly tax cut was passed and the Kock network had warned the Repubs that they would miss out on that piggy bank if they didn’t deliver those tax cuts.

    Now, how will those tax cuts be paid for? The same way bloated programs are paid for, by cutting social programs and other essential programs.

    And this is how we get these ugly budget fights. We have some Democrats fighting for things most Americans agree on or for things that even Republicans helped to bring into existence (like CHIP) while the Republicans are holding those very things hostage.

    For the record, though: While I agree with protecting the Dreamers, I don’t think they should be used in this budget fight. It’s about strategy and narrative.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Howdy Shmaltz!

      I’m so glad to hear from you again! I’ve been struggling to get back to regular posting after some work and personal set backs. I hope all is well with you and yours.

      I agree with the linking of the Dreamers and the budget. As the minority party with a majority that refuses any kind of compromise or consideration of the needs of the minority, which is the heart of democracy, makes it very difficult to have any achievements in therms of their agenda. The evidence of this is the fall of preference for Dems to control Congress in polling after the shutdown. We’ll see how the current mishegas over the dueling memos and domestic abuse-security clearance scandal.

      The very peculiar behavior by Repubes shows the influence of money as free speech, but also by Russian influence efforts. Many Congressional Repubes and PACs have been accepting thousands from Russian sources not to mention the kompromat that they obviously have on certain Repubes like Nunes and possibly Grassley. My concern, though, is the detail and attention fatigue that the undecided voter will experience as all of the debris flies through the very destructive tornado encompassing the country.


      Liked by 1 person

      • I’m so glad to hear from you again! I’ve been struggling to get back to regular posting after some work and personal set backs. I hope all is well with you and yours.

        Yes, that’s what I read from your text box on the sidebar. My condolences.

        I agree with the linking of the Dreamers and the budget. As the minority party with a majority that refuses any kind of compromise or consideration of the needs of the minority, which is the heart of democracy, makes it very difficult to have any achievements in therms of their agenda. The evidence of this is the fall of preference for Dems to control Congress in polling after the shutdown. We’ll see how the current mishegas over the dueling memos and domestic abuse-security clearance scandal.

        Yeah, and I’m opposed to shutdowns. While there needs to be a comprehensive bill that at least gives Dreamers legal status, the budget fight is the worst time to bring it up. That hurt the Dems in the polls after the shutdown, but this, too, shall pass.

        At least the Democrats got more people to talk about it, but using the issue now allows Republicans to say that the Democrats are putting illegal immigrants before American citizens. You know that isn’t true and I know that it isn’t true, but it’s a very effective talking point.

        Another issue the Democrats should focus on, though, is net neutrality. Congress had 60 work days to overturn the FCC’s decision on the whole thing and the clock is ticking.

        In any event, I think there will be a blue wave this year, but I don’t know how big or small it will be. The electorate, especially the people on the left, or more aware now and energized. There are also people who may have voted Republican who are sick of the GOP’s antics and hate to see one party control everything. But the people who are running as Democrats, independents, or other non-GOP affiliates need to manage everything well.

        I wanted to make a post on that but it will have to wait.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Howdy Shmaltz!

          The Democrats have an amazing ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. And, there are so many issues and scandals that we run the risk of fatigue. Let’s hope that we can keep people energized and enthusiastic and get out and vote in November. The shooting in Florida is tragic but reminds us of the dangers we face due to inaction on the part of Congress, so it is very likely that similar events will be occurring every few weeks to keep us all stirred up and determined.


          Liked by 1 person

  2. Meanwhile, on news that worker’s wages supposedly increased just a smidgen, the horrified Masters Of The Universe (and dividends) and their trading robots put the Wall Street Casino and its supposedly independent siblings around the world into “correction” mode. But, that’s OK because Ol’ Pussy Grabber says the fundamentals (whatever those are) are good and his tax cut is going to bring fantastic-amaxing-incredible-historic GDP growth real soon and he’ll celebrate by having a bunch of guys who are used to dodging IEDs, snipers, and suicide bombers march in old fashion formation down Pennsylvania Av.
    Anyway, they passed the bill and the Govt. is back open, and Speaker Ryan did speak and say he would solve the problem of the Dreamers, but not how.

    Liked by 1 person

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