Tag: Executive Functioning

Could Trump's Horde of Secret Government Documents be due to Executive Dysfunction?

Was Trump’s Horde of Secret Documents a Product of Executive Dysfunction?

Reading time: 5 minutes
Could it be that the entire debacle of secret government documents secreted away in a poolside closet at Merde-a-Lardo (Thanks, @Tengrain) be due to Trump’s executive dysfunction as this @NBCNews seems to imply?

What will likely happen because Trump believes he'll be reinstated?

Trump, Narcissism, Indictments, Election Loss, and the August Insurrection: Some Predictions

Reading time: 5 minutes
There is a substantial minority of Americans who believe the Big Lie and that Trump is going to be reinstated by some bloddy miracle. What is likely to happen? How likely is it that we’ll see another organized insurrection? A disorganized one? Random sporadic lone-wolf violence? The GQP stealing our elections at the state level? Here are some predictions based on application of narcissistic personality disorder.

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Why is Trump's lack of expertise and overconfidence so dangerous?

What the Dangerous Lack of Trump’s Expertise Tells Us About Removing Him From Office

Trump likes to boast that he is the very model of a modern stable genius. In other words, he thinks he knows everything, an expert in everything. He has absolute confidence in his thoughts and cannot learn from mistakes. But, he’s not an expert. He is the worst of the dilettantes. Experts have an entire arsenal of knowledge, experience, and tools at their disposal. Everyone else has a hammer and if hammering it don’t work, we’ll just carry on and hammer some more. Trump’s hammer is chaotic fighting over crises he’s conjured.

The Government Shutdown Showcases EVERYTHING Wrong with Trump and the GOP

The shutdown exemplifies everything that is wrong with the Ol’ Pussy Grabber, his administration, and the GOP. The shutdown has been caused by and continues because of the Ol’ Pussy Grabber’s executive dysfunction and narcissism, but worse, it is a direct product of the GOP’s groupthink. It is among the worst decisions ever taken by a political party or government. It is shear hubris that will end up hurting us all.

The Unproductive, Malignant, Narcissism WATCH: Syria Withdrawal, EDITION

Once again we have a seemingly spontaneous out-of-the-blue take-everyone-by-surprise decision tweeted at us by the Pussy Grabber in Chief. This time he has decided that ISIS has been defeated — remember he knows more about ISIS than his generals do — so it is okay to bring the troops home. More than likely he’s just flailing because his so distressed by his legal jeopardy.

Another Spectrum

Personal ramblings and rants of a somewhat twisted mind

Nan's Notebook

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Obsolete Childhood

Aging, not so gracefully

Neuro Poppins - Auntie Autism

Neuro Poppins - Auntie Autism: Looking through the lens of autism

Geek Mamas

It's like a Mom Blog, but Geekier


Hello world.....

Something to Ponder About

Musings on Life - Creative Writing - The Environment

The Ewing Perspective

But that's my perspective, care to share yours?