Month: January 2020

MEME: Trump’s Re-Election Guarantees a 7-2 Conservative SCOTUS Split

Reading time: 4 minutes
Rather long for a meme, but you know, it’s the Supremes! They are important. If I die with a 7-2 conservative SCOTUS split, I will personally haunt every mother’s son who didn’t vote, voted third party, wrote in a candidate, or otherwise helped the Ol’ Pussy Grabber get re-elected, I swear to god.

How is Trump's Narcissism is Destroying our Democracy?

Trump’s Narcissistic Delusion is Destroying our Democracy!

Reading time: 5 minutes
The GOP is using the Ol’ Pussy Grabber as a wrecking ball to destroy our democracy and replace it with a single-party pseudo-democratic authoritarian regime like they have in Russia! They aren’t even trying to hide it any more. Just listen to his lawyers argue his case in the Senate. He should just be able to do what he wants. If it’s good for him, it’s good for the country, right? This crap is straight out of the enlightened despot’s playbook.

The Ol’ Pussy Grabber’s narcissistic delusion is beating our democracy into submission.

Risk Aversion: The Psychology of Biden and Warren’s Candidacies

Reading time: 3 minutes
Our perceptions of the risks that each candidacy poses determines a lot about them. Biden runs as Obama 2.0 the tried and true candidate of yore bringing back normalcy. The nostalgia candidate if you will. Warren runs as the big structural change candidate with a plan for everything.

Which are seen as posing the higher risk? How will that effect the way we vote?

Call Your MoC about Aide to Puerto Rico for the Week of Sunday 26 January 2020

Reading time: 1.5 minutes
The New Cruelty strikes again! It’s only been two years since Congress allocated disaster relief funds for Puerto Rico’s many natural disasters (two hurricanes) and the Ol’ Pussy Grabber has ALREADY gotten around to releasing them! And, with “helpful” restrictions that make it nearly impossible for the PR gov’t to use the money but allowing him to be able to say he provided it. Ain’t that sweet?

Call your MoC’s and tell them to cut the crap and help the real live Americans living in Puerto Rico.

Also, links to where you can donate.

License CC0, photo from Piqsels

MEME: Putin has bought the Republican Party

Reading time: less than a minute
Here is the reason that no Republican will suddenly find their courage, backbone, or patriotism and stand up to Mitch McConnell and the Ol’ Pussy Grabber. They want the corruption. They want the fixed elections. They want the incompetent judges. They want oligarchy. They want authoritarianism.Putin has sold them on the Russian system of corrupt governance. Putin has bought and paid for them. They no longer hold democratic values.

Psychological Threat, The Psychology of the Trump Campaign

The Psychology of Trump’s 2020 Presidential Campaign

Reading time: 7 minutes
Ever wonder what drives voters for the Ol’ Pussy Grabber? What could the appeal of the most prolific liar in the country be to his voters? It never really made sense until you realize that he is following the most basic of all of the conservative playbooks: psychological threat and the predictable defensive reactions of those who are feeling.

The Great Civics Lesson: Yo! Yo! Yo! Voting Matters, Yo! — Updated

Reading time: 8 minutes
This is an update of a post written shortly after the election in 2016. It is still applicable now, and it is pretty darn good. In short, ain’t nothing matter if we don’t get out the vote, bitches! All your memes, snarky social media posts, protests, phone calls none of it will matter if you don’t vote in November.

So let’s “as a people rise up” and speak with one voice and vote the Repubes out!

Image by Gage Skidmore from Flikr

MEME: Mooing at Nunes

Reading time: 1 minute
Let’s face it after this long national debacle that is the Ol’ Pussy Grabber is over, we’ll have Repubes distancing themselves and disavowing and pretending like they were lambs in the wind pure as dribbled on snow. We can’t let that happen. People who have been as dastardly as that should be shunned by polite company. Here’s a fun way to shun Devin Nunes.

Was Trump a useful idiot?

MEME: Useful Idiot

Reading time: less than a minute
One of the funniest memes I’ve come up with since the feculent touch. Maybe I’m on a roll. Please use it as you see fit as the useful idiots come out of the woodwork on social media.

Using Risk and Uncertainty to Handicapping Elections

Election 2020: Handicapping the Nomination: What do Risk and Uncertainty Tell Us?

Reading time: 5 minutes
Okay, it’s a bit long in the tooth, but it’s worth it to figure out whose gonna win, right? My predictions have a history of being accurate. Stop laughing. I’m serious.

Anywho, I go through and discuss each of the top four candidates chances using behavioral economics decision making under uncertainty, specifically focused on how people react to perceived risk. If there were ever a risk election, brother this would be it. This is a high risk election.

public domain image from the US Senate

Call Your SENATOR and DEMAND a FAIR Impeachment Trial for the Week of Sunday 19 January 2020

Reading time: 1 minute
The most effective way to influence the government is through calling your MoC in this case, your senator! And, when I say call, I mean using the phone, sending postcards, using their website contact form, or using social media.

So contact your senators and demand they support a fair impeachment trial with fact witnesses and WH documents.

The Feculent Touch Turns Everythng To Shit

MEME: Trump’s Feculent Touch

Reading time: less than a minute
It’s a meme! A picture with a few words must speak volumes or something, right?

Given that the impeachment trial is now underway with all the rat-fucking that that will entail, and the GAO has just reported that the Ol’ Pussy Grabber has indeed broken the law in his Ukraine adventure, and the National Archives have reported altering pictures to help the Ol’ Pussy Grabber, and our foreign policy has sunk to the bottom of the outhouse pit, and our “deal” with China is underwhelming economists everywhere, and… well, you get the picture.

Call Your MoC about the Senate Impeachment Trial for the Week of Sunday 5 January 2020

Reading time: 1 minute
I give you links to determine contact information about your government officials both elected and appointed, federal, state, and local. Helpful hints on what to say on the phone if you’re calling a Dem or Repube senator, and a script to follow. Everything you’ll need to call your senator and ask them to support a fair impeachment trial with witnesses and documents.

Helping Australians Recover from their Fires

Reading time: 1.5 minutes
That’s not a bad amount of time to invest in figuring out which of the half dozen charities out there helping Australians both human and animal recover from these devastating fires to give to. Go ahead and click through to the charities page and make your donations. You’ll be glad you did.

Another Spectrum

Personal ramblings and rants of a somewhat twisted mind

Nan's Notebook

Things I want to say about this, that, and the other thing.

Obsolete Childhood

Aging, not so gracefully

Neuro Poppins - Auntie Autism

Neuro Poppins - Auntie Autism: Looking through the lens of autism

Geek Mamas

It's like a Mom Blog, but Geekier


Hello world.....

Something to Ponder About

Musings on Life - Creative Writing - The Environment

The Ewing Perspective

But that's my perspective, care to share yours?