Tag: Mitch McConnell

How does Tuberville's blocking of military appointments and Wisconsin's gerrymandering demonstrate the GOP's commitment to gaslight our democracy?

Tuberville and the Wisconsin Gerrymander: GOP’s Gaslighting of Democracy

Reading time: 5 minutes
How much does the GOP not give a good goddamn about our democracy? They’re willing to support Tuberville’s blockade of military appointments by blaming it all on Chuck Schumer. They’re willing to circumvent the will of the voters and keep a state supreme on ice for ten years! All of it classic gaslighting.

Why do we feel so bad after the impeachment acquittal?

The Peak-End Theory Explains Our Experience of the Impeachment Acquittal

Reading time: 4 minutes
We had the most successful impeachment trial in our history! We had SEVEN Republican Senators vote for conviction! The Impeachment Managers demonstrated Trump’s guilt in no uncertain terms. MqQonnell said he was guilty even though he voted for acquittal. Most of the American people think he was guilty. Then, why do we feel so bad about it? The peak-end experience explains it all.

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Pressure McConnell into Removing Trump

Call Mitch McConnell to Pressure Him into Removing Trump

Reading time: 2 minutes
It is time to focus on the true problem of our democracy: Mitch McConnell. Once again, he is putting his personal political ambition above the needs of the country and delaying bringing the impeachment of Trump to a vote in the Senate. We need to call him to let him know that it won’t bring a GOP majority in the Senate in 2022. We’ll remember.

Call Your MoC about Project Payback for the Week of Sunday 2 March 2020

Reading Time: 2 minutes
If you’re like me, you are spoiling for a fight. You feel the authoritarian threat growing larger everyday. You see our democratic institutions succumbing to the authoritarianism emanating from the WH, Senate, and judiciary. And, you wanna do something! Well, brothers and sisters, here’s something for you to do: Indivisible’s Project Payback targets ten of the most despicable Repubes running for senate in 2020 and you can help get them defeated. Find out how.

Trump being acquitted shows how democracy could really die – Vox

Reading Time: 3 minutes
The deliberate flaunting of democracy and the open destruction of it by the GOP just pisses me off. They are so sure that the electorate either cannot or will not hold them accountable that they aren’t even bothering to hide it. If we let them get away with it in November. If we don’t vote Trump and the Senate majority out in November, then we really are the United Fucking States of Fucking Stupid.

Another Spectrum

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Obsolete Childhood

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Neuro Poppins - Auntie Autism

Neuro Poppins - Auntie Autism: Looking through the lens of autism

Geek Mamas

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Hello world.....

Something to Ponder About

Musings on Life - Creative Writing - The Environment

The Ewing Perspective

But that's my perspective, care to share yours?