Tag: Autism

How does masking help and hurt autistic people? Is it fair to make autistic people mask their autism behaviors?

Autism Appreciation Month: The Way of the Mask, Navigating the Neuroconvergent World

Reading time: 5 minutes
Being autistic in the neuronomral world is dangerous. If an autistic person wants to have a job or relationships with neuronormal people, we need to mask our autism. It is a sad reality.

How is the rich inner world of autistic people a gift to the world?

The Rich Inner World of Autism, Its Gift to the World

Reading time: 5 minutes
Autistic people are far more inwardly focused than outwardly. We’re obsessed with our weird obsessions. We spend endless hours thinking about them and imagining them. What if, we could harness all of that imagining and make it somehow productive in the world. What if it were an asset in the workplace or classroom?

How are the limits needed for PDA similar to the limits needed on the police?

Autism ACCEPTANCE Month: How is Reforming the Police like Managing PDA?

Reading time: 7 minutes
Are you ready for some anecdotes about my hard-assed mother? This post has ’em! Are you ready for some child-rearing words of wisdom? This post has ’em! Are you ready for some solid info on qualified immunity? This post has it! Are you ready for some hard truths about policing in America? This post has ’em! Are you ready to call YOUR senators about the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act? This post is!

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What causes autistic meltdowns?

Autism ACCEPTANCE Month: The Confusion of Emotions

Reading Time: 6 minutes
Part of the issue of autism is the use of interpersonal emotions. Autistic people don’t use them well. They have emotions, but understand their role in communication. But, there is a role of intrapersonal emotions in the meltdowns that autistic people and people with pathological demand avoidance have because we rely on our emotional reactions to make decisions.

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What if my co-worker or acquaintance is autistic?

A Quickie: Autism ACCEPTANCE Month, 2021

Reading time: 3 minutes
April is Autism Awareness Month in the US. Here at Ye Olde Blogge, we do our part by posting what it is like being autistic and other insights that we have gathered over the years. Here’s an introduction and advice on how to handle friends, neighbors, and co-workers who are autistic or those who are having trouble accepting people with autism.

Socially Awkward Social Distance Autism Awareness Month

Socially Awkward Social Distancing: Autism in the Era of #COVID19

Reading time: 4 minutes
Happy end of Autism Awareness Month! It looks like Zoom meetings are the great equalizer for us socially awkward autistics! With all the clumsy talking over one another, uncertainty about what to say when, doubt about what to do with your hands, questioning whether you’re lack of grooming will be noticed are all part of the everyday existence of many high-functioning autistic people. Now, we can all enjoy them!

Another Spectrum

Personal ramblings and rants of a somewhat twisted mind

Nan's Notebook

Things I want to say about this, that, and the other thing.

Obsolete Childhood

Aging, not so gracefully

Neuro Poppins - Auntie Autism

Neuro Poppins - Auntie Autism: Looking through the lens of autism

Geek Mamas

It's like a Mom Blog, but Geekier


Hello world.....

Something to Ponder About

Musings on Life - Creative Writing - The Environment

The Ewing Perspective

But that's my perspective, care to share yours?