Tag: Your Drunk Uncle

How can understanding persuasion fatigue help us avoid useless arguments this holiday season?

Persuasion Fatigue: Just in Time to Save the Holidays

Reading time: 5 minutes
Everyone knows that family holiday time is political-religious-sports argument time. Mix in alcohol, the Airing of Grievances, and Feats of Strength and you’ve got a mixture that could easily end Festivus at the emergency room, with gun fire, or the summoning of the police. Here’s how to avoid all that.

The Great Civics Lesson: Yo! Yo! Yo! Voting Matters, Yo! — Updated

Reading time: 8 minutes
This is an update of a post written shortly after the election in 2016. It is still applicable now, and it is pretty darn good. In short, ain’t nothing matter if we don’t get out the vote, bitches! All your memes, snarky social media posts, protests, phone calls none of it will matter if you don’t vote in November.

So let’s “as a people rise up” and speak with one voice and vote the Repubes out!

Are You Happy Now?

Predictions, Pundits, and the 2016 Election: The “Are You Happy Now?” Edition

How you viewed the condition of the country probably determined your vote. If you saw the country as doing OKAY, you probably saw the Ol’ Pussy Grabber as too big of a risk. But if you saw the country has going in the wrong direction, you were tempted to take a chance on the Ol’ Pussy Grabber. What does behavioral economics, loss aversion, and risk seeking tell us about 2018?

The Great Civics Lesson: Yo! Yo! Yo! Voting Matters, Yo! — Updated

Reading time: 8 minutes
This is an update of a post written shortly after the election in 2016. It is still applicable now, and it is pretty darn good. In short, ain’t nothing matter if we don’t get out the vote, bitches! All your memes, snarky social media posts, protests, phone calls none of it will matter if you don’t vote in November.

So let’s “as a people rise up” and speak with one voice and vote the Repubes out!

Another Spectrum

Personal ramblings and rants of a somewhat twisted mind

Nan's Notebook

Things I want to say about this, that, and the other thing.

Obsolete Childhood

Aging, not so gracefully

Neuro Poppins - Auntie Autism

Neuro Poppins - Auntie Autism: Looking through the lens of autism

Geek Mamas

It's like a Mom Blog, but Geekier


Hello world.....

Something to Ponder About

Musings on Life - Creative Writing - The Environment

The Ewing Perspective

But that's my perspective, care to share yours?