Tag: Five Calls

Protect our Elections Call Your MoC #CallUrMoC

Call Your MoC about PROTECTING OUR ELECTIONS for the Week of Sunday 29 February 2020

Reading Time: 4 minutes
There are four bills languishing in Congress! They’ve been there for almost a year! Each one would protect some aspect of our election, but they seem stuck in committees of both houses. Read up on the issues and call your MoC in both houses and demand their support and their co-sponsorship! Bonus points if they are on the committee!

Call Your MoC about Gun Safety Legislation for the Week of Sunday 29 December 2019

Reading Time: 1 minute
There are bills languishing in Congress RIGHT NOW! Call #MassacreMitch and remind him that we were supposed to have a conversation about gun safety legislation LAST SEPTEMBER!
I list three senate and four house bills that need support in order to move on to becoming laws. I give you the means of contacting your MoC, descriptions of the bills, links for more information, and a script to use.
Call today. Call often.

How did the Republicans gaslight America during the Ukraine Impeachment

Don’t Let ‘Em Gaslight You: Ukraine Scandal and Impeachment, Edition

Reading Time: 6 minutes
Holy mother this is your Sunday deep dive news read. The Mother of All Explainers! How does the Ol’ Pussy Grabber turn so many otherwise sober rational people to his twisted conspiracy-driven paranoid interpretation of the world? In other words, how does gaslighting work? Why are human beings so vulnerable to it? And, most importantly, how do we resist it? I explain it all right here in six minutes.

Call Your MoC about the Deporting Sick Children for the Week of Sunday 8 September

Reading Time: 1 minute
This one is simple: We don’t deport people to certain death. If we have to legislate empathy, kindness, and mercy because some of our elected and appointed officials lack those qualities, then we will.

Let’s get her done. Let’s call our MoC’s and tell them to protect the children and their families on the medical deferment program from the capricious whims of a narcissistic desperate depraved administration.

Your Call Your MoC about Restoring Medical Deferments for Immigrants — the Week of Sunday 1 August

Reading time: 4 minutes
If you are as outraged as I am and I hope the rest of the nation is, then you gotsta call your MoC about restoring he deferrals of deportation status for people with serious medical conditions and others who used to receive them. If our Christian charity hasn’t been codified in the hearts and minds of our elected officials, their appointees and hirees, and our electorate, then it orta be codified into law, don’t ya think?

Call your MoC and urge them to be a hero and write the legislation.

Call Your MoC about Restoring Aide to Ukraine — Week of Sunday 1 August 2019

Reading time: 4 minutes
Do your part to stop the US from being a pawn of Putin’s Russia. Urge Congress to stand up to Trump and Russia and pressure the administration into releasing the $250 million in military aide to Ukraine before the budget and money expire on 30 September!

Call your MoC and tell them to put as much pressure as they can on the administration and speak out publicly in favor of releasing the funds.

Call Your MoC about Protecting the Tongass National Forest — Week of Sunday 1 August 2019

Reading time: 4 minutes
The Trump admin wants to destroy the world and end humanity as we know it. There is no other explanation for why they are being so destructive to the environment. We must enlist the aide of Congress to stop them. Call your MoC about the assault on the Tongass National Forest today. Make your voice heard. Be part of the solution. Make the call!

Call Your Senator about the HEROES Act

Your Call Your MoC for the Week of Sunday 18 August: Steve King, Sister Lindsey’s Asylum Bill, SNAP, Guns, and SO MUCH MORE!

Reading Time: 5 minutes (but heavily divided by headings so you can find the information you want fast!)
If it’s Sunday, it’s time to dust off and update your list of issues to call your MoC about. If you find it as confusing as I do to keep up with the multitude of issues that pour through my social media and across my screen, then maybe this list of five super important issues will be helpful

The Mass Shooting in El Paso: What You Can Do!

Reading Time: 14 minutes
Quick Dip: 2 minutes
Shallow Dive: 4 minutes
Deep Dive: 12 minutes
With the shooting in El Paso, I’ve devoted the call your MoC post today to gun violence. In the quick dip, I give you information about contacting your MoC to demand that they support gun reform action. In the shallow dive, there is information about gun reform advocacy groups, events, and stuff. And in the deep dive, I’ve included resources on the arcane statistics and legal information about gun violence.

Call Your Senator about the HEROES Act

The Issues List for your Weekly Call to Congress, Week of 7 July

Calling your very own member of Congress is easy! It’s fun! And, it is the most effective way to influence our government! But, keeping up with all those issues and bills and hearings and stuff is not. So, here’s a handy-dandy do-it-yourself guide to help out, and my top five issues that I’m contacting my member of Congress about this week! It’s now a weekly post on Ye Olde Blogge! Look for it every Sunday!

Another Spectrum

Personal ramblings and rants of a somewhat twisted mind

Nan's Notebook

Things I want to say about this, that, and the other thing.

Obsolete Childhood

Aging, not so gracefully

Neuro Poppins - Auntie Autism

Neuro Poppins - Auntie Autism: Looking through the lens of autism

Geek Mamas

It's like a Mom Blog, but Geekier


Hello world.....

Something to Ponder About

Musings on Life - Creative Writing - The Environment

The Ewing Perspective

But that's my perspective, care to share yours?