Month: October 2018

MEME, Sheroes, #Resistance, Brett Kavanaugh

MEME: Sheroes of the #Resistance

As I sat at my dining room table fretting over the coming vote on Boof K, I was struck by a story on ABC News about the women of Maine and Alaska who had traveled to DC to meet with plead with Senators Collins and Murkowski, respectively. I […]

The Three Psychological Tendencies that the GOP Cynically Exploited to Bolster Support for Kavanaugh and Demean Dr. Ford

There are three psychological phenomena from the Boof K (that’s Ye Olde Blogge’s quaint nickname for the raspcallious erstwhile (allegedly) plausible rapist, Brett Kavanaugh) hearings that will help us understand our particular peculiar political predicament and the way that politicians use them to manipulate the electorate and party […]

Another Spectrum

Personal ramblings and rants of a somewhat twisted mind

Nan's Notebook

Things I want to say about this, that, and the other thing.

Obsolete Childhood

Aging, not so gracefully

Neuro Poppins - Auntie Autism

Neuro Poppins - Auntie Autism: Looking through the lens of autism

Geek Mamas

It's like a Mom Blog, but Geekier


Hello world.....

Something to Ponder About

Musings on Life - Creative Writing - The Environment

The Ewing Perspective

But that's my perspective, care to share yours?