Tag: Groupthink

Has the federal indictment started loosening Trump's death grip on the GOP?

Chinks in the Groupthink Armor: Is Trump’s Death Grip on the GOP Loosening?

Reading time: 6 minutes
Groupthink is the theory that explains the disastrous and immoral decisions of the Republican Party and predicts its demise. Now that Trump has been indicted, are we seeing some open criticism of him by elected officials.

Are Political Lies Protected Speech?

Is Knowingly Lying for Political Gain Protected Speech? Or a Solution for Bridging our Partisan Divide

Reading time: 6 minutes
There is much talk about bridging our political divide with lots of talk about reaching for white voters being regurgitated. The real problem is the social support that the lies of Trump and the GOP have. To break that social support, we have to consider banning knowingly telling lies for political gain. Those lies are destroying the country.

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Psychological Causes of Trump

Gaslighting, Groupthink, and Cognitive Dissonance: The Perfect Storm resulting in Trump’s #COVID19 Infection

Reading time: five minutes
How could anyone, much less an entire political party and their supporters, be so stupid so as to deliberately spread the coronavirus during the middle of a pandemic? How can we possibly explain this behavior? Extreme behaviors take extreme psychological phenomena to explain. Here’s the perfect storm of cognitive and social psychological explanations.

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Trump being acquitted shows how democracy could really die – Vox

Reading Time: 3 minutes
The deliberate flaunting of democracy and the open destruction of it by the GOP just pisses me off. They are so sure that the electorate either cannot or will not hold them accountable that they aren’t even bothering to hide it. If we let them get away with it in November. If we don’t vote Trump and the Senate majority out in November, then we really are the United Fucking States of Fucking Stupid.

Trump’s mental health is now a “national and global emergency” and will lead to his “disgrace and downfall” Dr. Bandy Lee

Reading time: 3 minutes
We’ve been talking about Trump’s mental health since he descended the gold scented elevator seemingly a lifetime ago. But, now things are serious and we mean it this time. Now, we are reaching imminent danger to self and others. While we’re not talking suicidal shooting rampage, we are talking about destroying the country or even the world.

Climate Change = Increases in Demagoguery, Nationalism, Authoritarianism, Violence, and Cruelty

Reading time: 9 minutes!?! OUCH! There are lots of heading, though, so you can skip around and find the juiciest most interesting parts.
Climate change news just keeps getting worse. And, until we reach some kind of happy equilibrium — that’s a population of about 500,00 human beings, BTW — with planet earth, it probably will just keep getting worse, too. I mean, as bad as it is right now, when billions of people begin dying, that will be worse. So, what happens when the worst happens? Unfortunately, even more bad stuff: violence and cruelty

The Government Shutdown Showcases EVERYTHING Wrong with Trump and the GOP

The shutdown exemplifies everything that is wrong with the Ol’ Pussy Grabber, his administration, and the GOP. The shutdown has been caused by and continues because of the Ol’ Pussy Grabber’s executive dysfunction and narcissism, but worse, it is a direct product of the GOP’s groupthink. It is among the worst decisions ever taken by a political party or government. It is shear hubris that will end up hurting us all.

Another Spectrum

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Nan's Notebook

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Obsolete Childhood

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Neuro Poppins - Auntie Autism

Neuro Poppins - Auntie Autism: Looking through the lens of autism

Geek Mamas

It's like a Mom Blog, but Geekier


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Something to Ponder About

Musings on Life - Creative Writing - The Environment

The Ewing Perspective

But that's my perspective, care to share yours?