Tag: Indivisible

If every American were dedicated to the principles of democracy and sustainability, then we could stop the impending GOP Dystopia and climate disaster

The Haudenosaunee (Iroquois Confederation)’s Law of Peace and Seventh Generation Principle Can Save our Democracy and Climate

Reading time: 5 minutes
The Haudenosaunee taught the Founding Fathers about functional successful democracy, and they can teach us the same lessons again. And, brother do we need them if we are going to save ourselves from the GOP Dystopia and the climate disaster.

Anyone who supports furthering the Big Lie and the 6 January Insurrection false flag theory is anti-democratic

Charles Koch, Racial Animus, Critical Race Theory Furor, and What to Do About It

Reading time: 4 minutes
Anyone who supports either the Big Lie or the 6 January Insurrection false flag theory are clearly anti-democratic. It is clear that the goal is to create this single-party pseudo-democratic minority-rule autocracy that will quickly and efficiently transfer the nation’s wealth to the one percent, all them to intimidate all rivals, and duke it out with China as they divvy up the remainder of the world’s natural resources.

How can I support the Biden COVID19 Rescue Plan and HR 1 - For the People Act of 2021

Call Your MoC during the February Recess

Reading time: 2 minutes
We are in desperate times! The darkest days of the #COVID19 pandemic are still ahead of us and our democracy remains under attack by the Republican Party. We must contact our MoC to express our support for Biden’s #COVID19 Rescue Plan and HR 1 – For the People Act of 2021.

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How can I help save our democracy?

Call Your Members of Congress: The Save Our Democracy, edition

Reading time: 5 minutes
As the Trump insurrection riot and TOO response makes clear, our democracy is under direct attack. The GOP really is actively trying to destroy our democracy. It is now all hands on deck. We all have to fight against the conservative authoritarian power grab. One way to do that is to be an engaged, informed, and organized voter. It means keeping up with what your MoM is doing and contacting them frequently. Luckily Indivisible has just the guide to show us how.

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Call Your MoC about Project Payback for the Week of Sunday 2 March 2020

Reading Time: 2 minutes
If you’re like me, you are spoiling for a fight. You feel the authoritarian threat growing larger everyday. You see our democratic institutions succumbing to the authoritarianism emanating from the WH, Senate, and judiciary. And, you wanna do something! Well, brothers and sisters, here’s something for you to do: Indivisible’s Project Payback targets ten of the most despicable Repubes running for senate in 2020 and you can help get them defeated. Find out how.

public domain image from the US Senate

Call Your SENATOR and DEMAND a FAIR Impeachment Trial for the Week of Sunday 19 January 2020

Reading time: 1 minute
The most effective way to influence the government is through calling your MoC in this case, your senator! And, when I say call, I mean using the phone, sending postcards, using their website contact form, or using social media.

So contact your senators and demand they support a fair impeachment trial with fact witnesses and WH documents.

Call Your MoC about Gun Safety Legislation for the Week of Sunday 29 December 2019

Reading Time: 1 minute
There are bills languishing in Congress RIGHT NOW! Call #MassacreMitch and remind him that we were supposed to have a conversation about gun safety legislation LAST SEPTEMBER!
I list three senate and four house bills that need support in order to move on to becoming laws. I give you the means of contacting your MoC, descriptions of the bills, links for more information, and a script to use.
Call today. Call often.

Call Your MoC about the Deporting Sick Children for the Week of Sunday 8 September

Reading Time: 1 minute
This one is simple: We don’t deport people to certain death. If we have to legislate empathy, kindness, and mercy because some of our elected and appointed officials lack those qualities, then we will.

Let’s get her done. Let’s call our MoC’s and tell them to protect the children and their families on the medical deferment program from the capricious whims of a narcissistic desperate depraved administration.

Your Call Your MoC about Restoring Medical Deferments for Immigrants — the Week of Sunday 1 August

Reading time: 4 minutes
If you are as outraged as I am and I hope the rest of the nation is, then you gotsta call your MoC about restoring he deferrals of deportation status for people with serious medical conditions and others who used to receive them. If our Christian charity hasn’t been codified in the hearts and minds of our elected officials, their appointees and hirees, and our electorate, then it orta be codified into law, don’t ya think?

Call your MoC and urge them to be a hero and write the legislation.

Call Your MoC about Restoring Aide to Ukraine — Week of Sunday 1 August 2019

Reading time: 4 minutes
Do your part to stop the US from being a pawn of Putin’s Russia. Urge Congress to stand up to Trump and Russia and pressure the administration into releasing the $250 million in military aide to Ukraine before the budget and money expire on 30 September!

Call your MoC and tell them to put as much pressure as they can on the administration and speak out publicly in favor of releasing the funds.

Another Spectrum

Personal ramblings and rants of a somewhat twisted mind

Nan's Notebook

Things I want to say about this, that, and the other thing.

Obsolete Childhood

Aging, not so gracefully

Neuro Poppins - Auntie Autism

Neuro Poppins - Auntie Autism: Looking through the lens of autism

Geek Mamas

It's like a Mom Blog, but Geekier


Hello world.....

Something to Ponder About

Musings on Life - Creative Writing - The Environment

The Ewing Perspective

But that's my perspective, care to share yours?