Tag: Democratic Party

How can smiling help us restore our democracy, strengthen trust in our institutions, and help elect more Democrats in 2024?

Election 2024: Is Smiling More the Key to Democratic Success?

Writing time: 4 minutes
Four minutes and a smile could save our democracy from the #GOPDystopia! #ScienceFact: smiling improves the way you perceive the world. Things don’t seem so big, bad, or terrible when you smile or you see someone smiling!

How has the reaction of America's CEOs paralleled the reaction of the American people to the dismantling of our democracy

How Big Business Got Woke and Dumped Trump — But Maybe It’s Not True Anymore?

Reading time: 5 minutes
Time recently published an article outlining out Jeffrey Sonnenfeld marshalled America’s CEOs to oppose the Republican authoritarian power grab from the Big Lie to the 6 January Insurrection to voter suppression and nullification laws, but their enthusiasm for that opposition has fractured and grown confused just like our electorate’s has.

How is the Republican attack on our democracy like the attack on our democracy by the Confederacy?

The Gettysburg Address: Inspiration For Our Time

Reading time.5 minutes
The fight to preserve voting rights and our democracy feels more desperate by the day.. If our current leadership is being less than inspiring, let us take our inspiration from each other and from the most trying time in American history: the Civil War, the Gettysburg Address, and President Lincoln.

Election 2022: The Argument for Optimism

Reading time: 5 minutes
How likely is it that the Dems are going to hold on to the majorities in Congress? There are lots of reasons to be optimistic that the 2022 election will defy history and leave the Democratic party in charge of Congress, the most prominent one being that Trump isn’t running but he’ll be trying to help the GQP campaigns.

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How can I support the Biden COVID19 Rescue Plan and HR 1 - For the People Act of 2021

Call Your MoC during the February Recess

Reading time: 2 minutes
We are in desperate times! The darkest days of the #COVID19 pandemic are still ahead of us and our democracy remains under attack by the Republican Party. We must contact our MoC to express our support for Biden’s #COVID19 Rescue Plan and HR 1 – For the People Act of 2021.

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Defund the Police Activates the Racial Angst of White America

A Quickie: How “Defund the Police” Played into Republican Hands and White America’s Psyche

Reading time: 3 minutes
The circular firing squad is back on as progressive and moderate Dems argue over who snatched a squeaker from the jaws of a landslide in 2020. Of course, we can’t just celebrate having won one, right? Much of the debate turns on the role of “Defund the Police.” Unfortunately, the cognitive psychology of it points the finger squarely at it.

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How do I help get out the vote in swing states

Defeat Trump, the GOP, and Authoritarianism in November: Volunteer for a GOTV Campaign

Reading time: Less than a minute
We’ve all heard the dire news of millions being removed from voting roles by the Repubes in an effort to suppress the vote and rig the election in 2020. Now’s your chance to do something about it!

Spend your time volunteering for a GOTV campaign in a swing state near you! I give you the contact information to get you started!

Trump being acquitted shows how democracy could really die – Vox

Reading Time: 3 minutes
The deliberate flaunting of democracy and the open destruction of it by the GOP just pisses me off. They are so sure that the electorate either cannot or will not hold them accountable that they aren’t even bothering to hide it. If we let them get away with it in November. If we don’t vote Trump and the Senate majority out in November, then we really are the United Fucking States of Fucking Stupid.

How do I help get out the vote in swing states

GotV Volunteering — UPDATED

Reading time: Less than a minute
We’ve all heard the dire news of millions being removed from voting roles by the Repubes in an effort to suppress the vote and rig the election in 2020. Now’s your chance to do something about it!

Spend your time volunteering for a GOTV campaign in a swing state near you! I give you the contact information to get you started!

Another Spectrum

Personal ramblings and rants of a somewhat twisted mind

Nan's Notebook

Things I want to say about this, that, and the other thing.

Obsolete Childhood

Aging, not so gracefully

Neuro Poppins - Auntie Autism

Neuro Poppins - Auntie Autism: Looking through the lens of autism

Geek Mamas

It's like a Mom Blog, but Geekier


Hello world.....

Something to Ponder About

Musings on Life - Creative Writing - The Environment

The Ewing Perspective

But that's my perspective, care to share yours?