Month: September 2017

ARS Electonica Festival, Synthea Amatus, Rape, Sexual Assault, Samantha, AI Sex Dolls, All Men

Gang Rape of AI Sexbot Supports ALL MEN Theory of Sexual Assault

In another installment of our favorite sad series, Yes Virginia, it is all men. Men at the ARS Electronica Festival gang raped an AI sex doll into being so broke it couldn’t ride business class back to Barcelona but had to suffer the humiliation of being sent freight. It ain’t like the AI programmers coulda anticipated this situation and installed an more appropriate response than the moaning it does in response to having its breasts or hips touched.

Unbelievable, Katy Tur, Trump, the Ol' Pussy Grabber, Election 2016, Charles Krauthammer,

Katy Commits the Ultimate Sin, Stands up to the Ol’ Pussy Grabber, Chapters 1 – 3 of “Unbelievable” Reviewed

I’m reviewing Katy Tur’s “Unbelievable” in three parts! It’s that good! Fantastic treatment of the campaign, covering a campaign, being a reporter, and being a human being caught up in the Ol’ Pussy Grabber’s gaslighting narcissistic abuse meat grinder. Katy comes out on the other side stronger and better for it… and you will, too.

Meme: Epitome of White Privilege

White privilege means that white needs, wants, and sensitivities are all assumed. Non-whites know how to act white. White people only know how to act white. White people need to end racism. We can make a down payment on that by relinquishing any and all claims to the n-word.

Ending DACA is an Act of Violence

The Ol’ Pussy Grabber is ending DACA… sort of. Everything about his announcement from handing it off to Jeff Sessions, to delaying it for six months, to threatening to revisit it if Congress can “legalize” it smacks of needless cruelty and actual institutional and structural violence.

Meme: #YouAreYourVote

Our democracy is a binary winner take all choice. You helped a candidate win by voting for her or a candidate who didn’t have a chance or you voted for the loser. You own your vote. You own her policies, laws, and governing style. #YouAreYourVote

From the original article

How Dick Gregory Forced The FBI To Find The Bodies Of Three Slain Civil Rights Workers — Still Crew

Since 1964, the GOP has been about one thing and one thing only: white supremacy. It is as true as the Civil War was fought over slavery. People will argue with you, but that’s all they got. Nixon’s Southern Strategy has been used by every GOP candidate since. Reagan kicked off his campaign in Philadelphia, Mississippi for god’s sake. Recharge those righteous indignation batteries to continue the #Resistance!

Another Spectrum

Personal ramblings and rants of a somewhat twisted mind

Nan's Notebook

Things I want to say about this, that, and the other thing.

Obsolete Childhood

Aging, not so gracefully

Neuro Poppins - Auntie Autism

Neuro Poppins - Auntie Autism: Looking through the lens of autism

Geek Mamas

It's like a Mom Blog, but Geekier


Hello world.....

Something to Ponder About

Musings on Life - Creative Writing - The Environment

The Ewing Perspective

But that's my perspective, care to share yours?