Tag: Behavioral Economics

How are the Republicans cynically sabotaging the effectiveness of government to improve the lives of Americans to win elections and destroy democracy?

Election 2024: MAGA Republicans Sour the National Milk to Overcome Status Quo Bias

Reading time: 4 minutes
Status quo bias is difficult to overcome. Republicans are using several techniques to win 2024 and destroy our democracy. Chief among them is making government ineffective by gumming up the works with all their crap.

Can we punch Nazis with votes and truth to stop them from destroying our democracy?

Election 2024: The Always Punch a Nazi Election with Votes According to Behavioral Economics

Reading time: 4 minutes

It’s pretty simple, to stop a Nazi, you punch them with votes and the truth. We have to frame the 2024 election as the certain loss of our democracy if not only Trump wins, but Republicans have control of either House of Congress. The electorate must take the risk of returning Biden and the Democrats to office. Always punch a Nazi… with votes.

How is the best way to get people to wear masks?

Getting your Neighbors to Mask-up: Ambiguity Tolerance and Intolerance

Reading time: 6 minutes
Everyday we read about some other idiot who reacts irrationally, violently, and stupidly when they are asked to wear a mask to help us contain the #COVID19 pandemic. It’s almost like they don’t want to contain it. Here is the psysplainer that helps us understand their behavior, but also, what to do about it.

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Risk Aversion: The Psychology of Biden and Warren’s Candidacies

Reading time: 3 minutes
Our perceptions of the risks that each candidacy poses determines a lot about them. Biden runs as Obama 2.0 the tried and true candidate of yore bringing back normalcy. The nostalgia candidate if you will. Warren runs as the big structural change candidate with a plan for everything.

Which are seen as posing the higher risk? How will that effect the way we vote?

Using Risk and Uncertainty to Handicapping Elections

Election 2020: Handicapping the Nomination: What do Risk and Uncertainty Tell Us?

Reading time: 5 minutes
Okay, it’s a bit long in the tooth, but it’s worth it to figure out whose gonna win, right? My predictions have a history of being accurate. Stop laughing. I’m serious.

Anywho, I go through and discuss each of the top four candidates chances using behavioral economics decision making under uncertainty, specifically focused on how people react to perceived risk. If there were ever a risk election, brother this would be it. This is a high risk election.

The Government Shutdown Showcases EVERYTHING Wrong with Trump and the GOP

The shutdown exemplifies everything that is wrong with the Ol’ Pussy Grabber, his administration, and the GOP. The shutdown has been caused by and continues because of the Ol’ Pussy Grabber’s executive dysfunction and narcissism, but worse, it is a direct product of the GOP’s groupthink. It is among the worst decisions ever taken by a political party or government. It is shear hubris that will end up hurting us all.

Are You Happy Now?

Predictions, Pundits, and the 2016 Election: The “Are You Happy Now?” Edition

How you viewed the condition of the country probably determined your vote. If you saw the country as doing OKAY, you probably saw the Ol’ Pussy Grabber as too big of a risk. But if you saw the country has going in the wrong direction, you were tempted to take a chance on the Ol’ Pussy Grabber. What does behavioral economics, loss aversion, and risk seeking tell us about 2018?

Another Spectrum

Personal ramblings and rants of a somewhat twisted mind

Nan's Notebook

Things I want to say about this, that, and the other thing.

Obsolete Childhood

Aging, not so gracefully

Neuro Poppins - Auntie Autism

Neuro Poppins - Auntie Autism: Looking through the lens of autism

Geek Mamas

It's like a Mom Blog, but Geekier


Hello world.....

Something to Ponder About

Musings on Life - Creative Writing - The Environment

The Ewing Perspective

But that's my perspective, care to share yours?