Category: Cognitive Psychology

How does white grievance and political efficacy combine to produce an uncompromising MAGA movement?

Perceived Lack of Recognition and Divisive Political Efficacy: Fueling Trump Support among Historically Dominant Groups

Reading time: 5 minutes
How has MAGA grown into this democracy destroying whiny white grievance machine? It turns out that hurt feelings, lack of representation, and political engagement actually do matter in a democracy.

Can science explain why we're so uncertain of the outcome of the 2024 election?

Election 2024: The Roots of Our Uncertainty of the Outcome!

Reading time: 5 minutes
Election 2024 should be a shoe-in for the Democrats, so why are we so uncertain about the outcome of the 2024 election? Given the issues and recent elections, we shouldn’t be, but we are. New research on the neural basis of decision making and the effects of uncertainty help explain why. We’ll look at the role that the carryover effect, ageism, hindsight bias, and follow-the-leader politics plays in just how uncertain we feel going into the 2024 campaign.

Another Spectrum

Personal ramblings and rants of a somewhat twisted mind

Nan's Notebook

Things I want to say about this, that, and the other thing.

Obsolete Childhood

Aging, not so gracefully

Neuro Poppins - Auntie Autism

Neuro Poppins - Auntie Autism: Looking through the lens of autism

Geek Mamas

It's like a Mom Blog, but Geekier


Hello world.....

Something to Ponder About

Musings on Life - Creative Writing - The Environment

The Ewing Perspective

But that's my perspective, care to share yours?