Month: July 2019

The Democratic Presidential Primary Debate #2, Day 2: NOT Live Blogged

Due to unforeseen circumstances tonight’s live blogging of the live debate has been cancelled. We’ll resume our regularly schedule erratic schedule of posting once we’ve arrived safely back in China.

Mueller Testimony: Intelligence Committee

Things perked up slightly in the Intelligence Committee than they were in the Judiciary. Go figure. Maybe everyone’s coffee had kicked in. You may not agree with my characterization, but I stand by my post. The only remaining question is whether the Dems are adept enough to build on the foundation that they laid or whether the foundation they laid is sufficient to build upon.

How does persuasive desgin explain why Fox News is so addicting and perverts the views of our parents?

Persuasive Design or How Fox News Perverted Your Parents

Ever wondered how Fox News does it? Persuasive Design goes a long way to explaining how they keep your parents, friends, and neighbors enthralled. Don’t fear, though. I have divided the post into three successive parts: the Quick Dip, the Shallow Dive, and the Deep Dive. Each is an extension of the last so you can read as much or as little as you like and still get something you can use.

Meme: Welcome Home, Ilhan!

Racism is dying in America. We are witnessing the violent death throes of racism. Unfortunately, when open racism dies, it just sinks below the surface to slink along less detectable, especially by the white privileged.

The welcome Rep. Ilhan Omar got was as heart-warming as the Ol’ Pussy Grabber’s chant was chilling.

Michelle Obama, meme, our America

Meme: It’s OUR America

We all need a voice of hope now and again… well, a little more often than that in #FascistAmerica. As she does so often, Michelle Obama finds an opportune moment to lift our flagging spirits and remind us of why we #Resist.

Call Your Senator about the HEROES Act

Weekly MoC Call List: Important Votes for Wed. & Thur.

There are important issues, bills, amendments, and hearings before Congress every week! And, if the Great Civics Lesson has taught us anything, it has taught us that it is our civic duty to be INVOLVED in each and every one of them. And the rate at which this admin sows confusion, chaos, and consternation means that you gotta call every week and work your ass off to keep that call list current. Use this weekly post to help.

Call Your Senator about the HEROES Act

The Issues List for your Weekly Call to Congress, Week of 7 July

Calling your very own member of Congress is easy! It’s fun! And, it is the most effective way to influence our government! But, keeping up with all those issues and bills and hearings and stuff is not. So, here’s a handy-dandy do-it-yourself guide to help out, and my top five issues that I’m contacting my member of Congress about this week! It’s now a weekly post on Ye Olde Blogge! Look for it every Sunday!

Another Spectrum

Personal ramblings and rants of a somewhat twisted mind

Nan's Notebook

Things I want to say about this, that, and the other thing.

Obsolete Childhood

Aging, not so gracefully

Neuro Poppins - Auntie Autism

Neuro Poppins - Auntie Autism: Looking through the lens of autism

Geek Mamas

It's like a Mom Blog, but Geekier


Hello world.....

Something to Ponder About

Musings on Life - Creative Writing - The Environment

The Ewing Perspective

But that's my perspective, care to share yours?