Month: June 2019

Election 2020: Who Did the Debates Help, Who Did They Hurt, and Who Should Drop Out?

Now that the end of the first Democratic presidential debate has finally ended after two days and 20 candidates and five moderators, how can we possibly know who won? We can’t say who won, but we can predict who benefited.

Election 2020: Live-Blogging the Live-Streaming of the Dem Presidential Debate, Day 1

It’s another American presidential election, which started more than 18 months before the actual election! American politics are crazy. But, the Dems are debating tonight and we all wanna know who won, who zung, who clung, who hung. I’ll be live-blogging the debate as it is live-streamed in Paris at 3:00 AM. Join me here for a snarky, sarcasticky, profaney good time as we all watch together!

The Great Civics Lesson The Civic Duty of Every Citizen Dunce

The Great Civics Lesson: The Duty of Every Citizen to Resist, Even DoJ Lawyers like Sarah Fabian

Our democracy is being gutted right before our very eyes. Every day there is a fresh new attack upon our sensibilities, democratic institutions, traditions, norms. Everyday there is a new government representative trying to present the unreasonable as reasonable, the irrational as rational, the untrue as truth, the immoral as moral. To keep a democracy, we have to be informed. That is the Great Civics Lesson

Why is Trump's lack of expertise and overconfidence so dangerous?

What the Dangerous Lack of Trump’s Expertise Tells Us About Removing Him From Office

Trump likes to boast that he is the very model of a modern stable genius. In other words, he thinks he knows everything, an expert in everything. He has absolute confidence in his thoughts and cannot learn from mistakes. But, he’s not an expert. He is the worst of the dilettantes. Experts have an entire arsenal of knowledge, experience, and tools at their disposal. Everyone else has a hammer and if hammering it don’t work, we’ll just carry on and hammer some more. Trump’s hammer is chaotic fighting over crises he’s conjured.

Trump: Unstable Influencer

Is the very model of a very stable genius an unstable influencer? A leadership style that relies on strong-arm tactics, intimidation, humiliation, and name calling is inherently unstable. The leader is not respected by peers, followers, or subordinates.

Trump’s Anger Drives Down Impeachment Polling

Real live controlled psychological studies have demonstrated that angry reactions to accusations result in higher status being given to white men! Not so much to women and the not-whites (could be a band name, amirite?). What does that tell us about the Ol’ Pussy Grabber’s strategy for resisting Nancy Pelosi’s attempts to probe him?

Another Spectrum

Personal ramblings and rants of a somewhat twisted mind

Nan's Notebook

Things I want to say about this, that, and the other thing.

Obsolete Childhood

Aging, not so gracefully

Neuro Poppins - Auntie Autism

Neuro Poppins - Auntie Autism: Looking through the lens of autism

Geek Mamas

It's like a Mom Blog, but Geekier


Hello world.....

Something to Ponder About

Musings on Life - Creative Writing - The Environment

The Ewing Perspective

But that's my perspective, care to share yours?