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Comment on This: Does Hunter Biden’s Conviction Disprove Trump’s Thesis? Does It Matter?

I see in the news that Hunter Biden has been found guilty of lying on his federal gun form that he wasn’t addicted to drugs at the time of purchase when he actually was. The horse-piss media (EDITOR: Thanks to an eagle-eyed reader we corrected our typo and replaced horse-piss media with horserace media. EDITOR: Oh darn, now I’ve done it. Ha ha. Thanks to another eagle-eyed reader, that is horse-piss media, not horse race media. EDITOR: Maybe it’s the damned spellcheck-predictive text-auto-complete thingee, but we mean the horse-piss median and not the horserace media. EDITOR: You know what? I guess Freud was right, there is a bit of truth behind every joke and every “mistake” is a bit revelatory of your inner self. You got us, eagle-eyed reader. We really do mean horse-piss media).

Right after Hunter Biden’s conviction, the horse-piss media immediately jumped on the That takes the piss out of Trump’s whole Biden has weaponized the DoJ thingee and all his prosecutions have been politicized, leaving him no choice but to fight fire with fire, right? He he he. We’ve done our hard hitting journalism and edgy political analysis for the day. No more horse-piss media for us. No siree, bob! We call ’em like we’re seein’ ’em, now.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on the horse-piss media’s hot take on this story.

Do you really think that there’s someone out there who is watching their local affiliate nightly news who is thinking, Well, I see on the TeeVee news that the feds have convicted this Hunter Biden feller of some fool felony crime. I guess Trump is wrong. Biden hasn’t politicized the DoJ and our justice system if his own son has been convicted of a crime that millions of people have committed because addiction is so widespread in America and who wouldn’t lie about, especially when you’re actively addicted and in denial about it any way, besides it’s hardly ever prosecuted even when it comes to the attention of federal prosecutors. This Trump fella seems to be full of hot air and trying to hornsnoggle his way into office. Welp. I won’t stand for that kind of double-dealing two-faced hypocrisy. I will switch my vote and my answer to pollster from Trump to Biden from now on.

Really, do you think that person is out there?

If you do, do you think it is because our views on Trump and Biden are so reified as to defy any real change or movement? Do you think it is because no one who is “persuadable” is paying enough attention to the news to put to-and-too twogether and come up with six?

Do you think Hunter Biden’s conviction on federal charges is going slow Trump’s steady roll on it’s a witch hunt and I’m being persecuted and they started it? Do you think it matters in the grand scheme of things on how people are going to decide their vote?

This is what I think. I think it does matter. I think, people have seen through Trump’s BS from day one. The majority of Americans know he is a crook and is lying through his teeth. We all know this. Even MAGA knows it.

We now live in a country where there are three distinct strands of reality:

  • THE TRUMP-MAGA EXPLOSIVE DIARRHEA of propaganda bullshit world where they run in circles and bray at the moon and foam at the mouth every time Trump farts.
  • THE HORSE-PISS MEDIA world where they report on the public taking Trump seriously and actually are considering voting for him, this includes pollsters like Nate Cohn who have to twist their professional ethics into pretzels to produce polls that show Trump ahead and gaining ground with CoC and women, just for the clicks, likes, and shares.
  • AND, THE THIS IS A SHIT SHOW world where Americans have seen Roe v. Wade overturned, seen insane restrictions on abortions rolled out, felt the pinch of inflation, and are scared of climate change, Russia, and China, staring in disbelief as Maddog Greene brays on the steps of Congress and Boobert grabs her BFs dick while he motorboats her in a drunken public PDF display, and quietly goes about their business like Americans did between 1929 and 1933 just waiting to vote the country back on to the right path again.

I could be wrong. I hope I’m not. But, I just can’t believe we live in a world where it takes Hunter Biden’s conviction on federal charges to convince anyone who is convincible that the DoJ hasn’t been weaponized and Biden isn’t using the law as his own billy club to destroy his political opposition.

11 replies »

    • Howdy Usfman!

      I don’t know that the strife and violence that Trump has long promised will actually occur then either. There isn’t a focal point for the event given the appeals and then the appeals of the appeals process that Trump engages in. While it may succeed in delaying the event, it also causes the outrage to be defused, too. There isn’t a single culminating event around which to organize like 6 January was. There’s also no one who is really willing to organize it or execute it.



  1. It is a clear case of, “Who are you going to believe?”. The GOP and MAGAworld are, if they go so far as to acknowledge Hunter’s conviction has any meaning at all, seem to regard Hunter as a sacrificial lamb (who deserves what he gets and more because “Biden Crime Family”) offered up to try to persuade gullible Libs that Donald is wrong.

    Is there anyone persuadable left who is following any news other than sports, weather, and celebrity antics? And, even those folks tend to regard the political news as on the same level of importance as who is dating whom in Hollywood. It is all just the background noise of their life.

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    • Howdy Bob!

      Yeah, those who want to preserve their current set of beliefs will continue using cognitive dissonance and motivated reasoning to contort events into supporting their conclusions and maintaining their beliefs. Those who are on the other side will see it for what it is. Those who are studiously ignoring it all and blocking it out, are going to studiously ignore it all and block it out. I can’t see how it changes anything other than to give the horse race media another log to throw on the horse race fire.


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  2. Biden’s conviction isn’t going to make a bit of difference to the maga crowd. They’re already claiming that the conviction was Biden deliberately sacrificing his son in order to cover up his involvement in Trump’s conviction. Things like logic, facts, etc. don’t mean anything to Trump’s supporters. As others have pointed out, the GOP isn’t a political party any longer, it’s turned into an outright cult.

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    • Howdy Grouchy!

      Who needs fact and evidence when you have cognitive dissonance and motivated reasoning to sustain your belief system?

      Neither side will eve convince their core base supporters to switch. And, those who have opted out of the process are not likely to be convinced to join it. The entire election turns on which voters on the periphery of support for either candidate can be persuaded to switch their vote. Those people are reachable, but (a) there are very few of them and (b) they have a third option, which is to drop out all together.

      For many people, they will view Hunter Biden’s verdict like they did Clinton’s Monica Lewinsky mess: a very understandable common place event that shouldn’t have any place on the national stage. Biden will be seen as a loving father, Hunter as a fallible wayward son. It is a something that we all experience all too often in our daily lives. It will make them seem much more relatable to the degree that it affects the perceptions of many of the electorate.

      This is in stark contrast to Trump’s legal problems. Unless you’re willing to dismiss them as political persecution, Trump’s criminal offenses are nefarious and dark. They are not common place. None of us are doing the things Trump has been accused of and now convicted of doing.


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  3. welp….you sure ask a lot of questions. (I love that). No, the MAGA drones will not see that the DOJ is far from a political tool of the commie liberal democrats…their minds were instantly thrown into worship stance the minute Trump repeated OUT LOUD every horrible thought they ever had about blacks, browns, women, liberal politics, religion, etc etc ad nauseum. I don’t think Mr. Biden’s conviction will change anyone’s mind…….the ones who THINK don’t care and the one’s who don’t think …well, they’re MAGAS. It’s just a way for the corrupt DOJ to make everyone believe it wasn’t a witch hunt when it really was…….and YES, that came out of the mouth of the asshat MAGA neighbor of mine just yesterday. Pretty sure everyone (MAGA politicians included) know without a doubt that they are spouting bullshyte, but if it keeps them in their power position they will repeat the crap forever. I think they know, while barely controllable, Trump is their best candidate to complete their 2024 mission to recreate a white supremacist “Christian” nation, finish destroying all the human rights we have gained since 1968, throw out every Non-citizen regardless of status and throw all us “wimmin” back into our bedrooms and kitchens. It’s going to take every single one of us democrats and independents to keep it from happening in November.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Howdy Suze!

      I agree, Hunter Biden’s conviction won’t really change much in the minds of the electorate. However, to the degree that people contemplate it at all, it will likely increase empathy for Biden. How can the average American see him as anything other than a loving father who is trying to support his son through trying times? How can Hunter Biden be viewed as anything other than a son who lost his way and went through the all too common ravages of addiction and is now paying the price for it? This scenario is more common than apple pie is nowadays. There hasn’t been a family in America that hasn’t been touched by addiction. Most of us will look at Hunter and say, Meh, I would’ve lied on the form, too. And Biden, and say, I would have supported my son through the process, too. And, Hunter needs to be reap the consequences of his action even though it is too bad he’s caught up in the national politics. It makes Biden a more sympathetic character, not less. The more Republicans draw attention to it, the stronger that reaction will be.

      I think you’re right, though. The Republican Party is bent on destroying our democracy and creating a permanent majority by holding pseudo-elections in a single-party pseudo-democracy. The Republicans want to create an oligarchy, like they have in Russia or like they had in the 1880’s. The white supremacists have been frothing at the mouth since the Great Society and the end of Jim Crow.


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