
Whaz Up!?! Monday 5 July 2021

Howdy y’all!

We hope everyone had a happy and safe Fourth of July Independence Day celebration! Or for those of you on the wrong side of the International Date Line, Happy Fourth of July!

It’s been an interesting week of moving and news! Luckily, for us, the move can happen slowly since the school is paying for both apartments regardless of whether anyone is staying in them — standard practice in international school teaching — and the new teachers don’t arrive until August. We’ll be taking four or five days to move our stuf. Luckily #2, we’ve only been here a year and most of that was on lockdown, so we haven’t had the time or opportunity to exponentially expand our junk like we usually do. It’s been a low key comfortable sort of move. I start on the kitchen tomorrow, if you really must know.

Well, good golly Mz Molly, we’ve had a helluva news week haven’t we? The Trump Org and Weisselberg indictments, Supreme Court decisions and non-decisions, heatwave deaths and misery, collapsed condo recovery efforts, and radioactive hybird indestructible super-pigs! It’s just been one of those weeks where you wish you were a contestent on Wait! Wait! Don’t Tell Me!

Lucky #3 for you, we’ve been posting up a veritible storm here at Ye Olde Blogge adding our own unique never before done and impossible to imitate value to the news by explaining the psychology behind what we’re experiencing:

  • We start out with an excellent poltical cartoon, AstraZeneca Chasm, from The Carrot Conspiracy. Even though it is about the Australian ongoing vaccination boondoggle, it seemed equally applicable to the US and well worth giving it a little extra attention.
  • The Ol’ Pussy Grabber is desperate to distract himself and the rest of us from his own ongoing legal debacle, so he’s doing rallies and upping the rhetorical ante hoping that someone will be inspired to do some real political violence and that through some alchemial mystical process get him reinstating. Visions of Biden begging him to take the office, I’m sure, are dancing through his fevered narcissistic brain.
  • With SCOTUS gutting Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, it becomes imperative that we pass the For the People Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, so make plans to visit your MoC during their recess — on until 12 July — and to participate in Stacey Abrams’ #HotCallSummer by calling their office EVERYDAY. The good news is that Sen. Sinema is under so much pressure that she’s abusing her interns… okay, she could be abusing her interns just out of habit, and I guess that doesn’t make it very good news. But, she is being innundated with constituent calls.
  • With the WHO coming out and saying that we should all be masking all the time regardless of vaccine status because of the Delta variant, we’re thrown back into masking chaos and confusion with contradictory guidance coming from multiple authorities. We dig into the science the WHO and CDC shoulda been following when dreaming up these guidelines and how we should all be handling it. Spoiler, we should be getting vaccinated and wearing masks until the pandemic is undercontrol world wide.

And more good blogging news, commenting is up and it ain’t all from our dear friend Bob over at Of Cabbages and Kings! Be sure to give him a visit and let him know we sent you.

Good Blogging

This Weeks Blogs

These are some of the blogs I’ve been fortune enough to find this week. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have. Be sure and leave them a sign that you were there in addition to the visit count on their stat page.

A picture is worth a thousand words, but this image coupled with the title, Coffee Cream Jello, 1978, that’s got to be worth at least one blog post, amiright? It’s brought to us by Molded Memories: the gelatin recipes that time forgot — and we wonder why I don’t post regularly? This particular post has another kink in its provinance, it came to us through a reblog on A Dollop of History.

Zoeweizoe had me at its name, sowieso is German for anyway, and apparently there is an amusing song, Sowieso, about how many things can go wrong in a day (how do I get anything done?). But, this post had me at, I hail from the Al Bundy era because I hail from the Carroll O’Connor era.

The Chatty Introvert had such a catchy name that I had to become a regular reader what with me being a recalcitrant introvert. And in her usual chatty style recounts her explosion of catastrophizing after her beloved dog took ill. Who can’t relate? Okay, other than my brother-in-law who regularly reminds me that the best vet is located at the end of the barrel of his gun. But, that is the topic of another blog post.

Hong Kong International Airport

Hong Kong is a lesson in the totalitarian take over of a once free liberal multi-party democracy. Protest alone cannot save you if the mechanisms for influencing the government are removed. Without free and fair elections and an impartial judiciary, democracy will be lost whether it is because its citizens have elected the authoritarians or they’ve moved in from the outside.

I’m thankful that our friends at the Hong Kong Free Press are still publishing as thousands literally flee the sinking democracy.

In an echo of an earlier post on Ye Olde Blogge — and we always like it when our analysis, instincts, and interpretations are confirmed — the good gentle bloggers over at First Draft suggest that the law is slow and we are only driving ourselves mad by endlessly speculating in the media, social and otherwise, about who what when and where and never why. With so much time to fill and communication being so easy, we’re bound to distort our perceptions and expectations, so be careful who you’re listening to.

Blogging Kindness

There are always those bloggers who reblog and give ping backs to blogs kinda like we’ve started doing here. Be sure to check out some of these other lists of great blogging from the week.

  • Crooks and Liars daily column Mike’s Blog Round Up gives props to deserving smaller blogs that are making interesting points about the news. They are awesome in their support for the small-blog community, so be sure to check out their fundraising campaign in order to keep the bytes flowing over there, so give if you can.
  • Burr Deming’s Fair and Unbalanced gives a snarky look at week’s news and opinion on various blogs and articles from around the Internet. This week it was up on Saturday, so y’all check it out.
  • Friend of Ye Olde Blogge, Tengrain, often links to us over at MBRU, and has a daily offering of snarky news on Mock, Paper, Scisors that’s always sure to amuse, confuse, and otherwise leave you feeling abused.
  • Over on Infidel 753, we have this weeks recommendations of the interesting stuff he’s found on the Interwebs.
  • And, the aforementioned commenter and reblogger extrordinaire, Bob from over at Of Cabbages and Kings not only makes interesting, informed, and insightful comments, he has great links to interesting posts from all over.

I have to say that the blogging community has been one of the best online communities that I’ve found. There are just tons of good friendly helpful people out there blogging their souls out. Give ’em a visit and leave them a kind word or two.

Cambodia #COVID19 Report

Worst day of the pandemic so far: 1,130 new infections and 139 deaths. The Cambodian government is now expanding it’s treatment facilities by constructing regional centers. It once was that most of the new infections were in Phnom Penh, but with most of Phnom Penh vaccinated, albeit witht the Chinese vaccine which has very limited effectiveness, most infections are now in the provinces.

With the number of daily infections consistently over 600 this week, the Ministry of Health is closer to re-imposing a strict lockdown warning that Cambodia is now at the redline and if it is crossed, a lockdown will be imposed.

The prime minister went on the TV and assured the nation that the country is not going bankrupt… um, that’s good, right? That’s kinda like the sportsball team general manager reporting that she has complete confidence in the coach and the owner reporting she has complete confidence in the general manager. Everyone is reassured, right? Steady as she goes, no majore changes on the horizon…

Well, the good news is is that we are halfway through the year and we’ve spent about half of what was allocated for social relief funds for the year. The economy contracted by 3% last year and is projected to expand by 4% this year as long as vaccinations stay on track and demand for clothing in the US can be met. So, maybe.


Mental health, they say, is having choices, and look at all the ways you can let a lonely blogger know you’ve been here!

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Image Attribution

“Wild boar” by Plant pests and diseases is marked with CC0 1.0

9 replies »

  1. Thanks for the mentions, Jack. I do get “Likes” consistently from several regular visitors on my reblogs of your posts. Speaking of interesting, and in this case rather depressing, articles dealing with human cognition and social processes, here’s one on passing resources on the future generations:

    Liked by 1 person

    • Howdy Bob!

      I regularly get referrals from your blog, too. I appreciate it and try to return the favor when I can.

      Great article. I’ll be pressing it along with another on the same topic later today.


      Liked by 1 person

        • I don’t know about you, but I study my stat page pretty hard. I like to see the links and downloads that people follow. It’s how I know no one watches the embedded video. It never comes up in the video section of the page. But, I do get links followed and pdf’s downloaded on a much smaller scale but consistently.


          Liked by 1 person

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