
Guilty! Guilty! Guilty! Happy Trump Conviction Day to All Who Celebrate

Mark you calendars one and all, a new national day of celebration has arrived for us and future generations.

Even if the federal courts are corrupt, state courts aren’t. The Federalist Society has a new target for stacking judiciary against democracy, but it comes a day late and a dollar short (literally) of saving Trump from his latest hugest narcissistic wound!

Batten down the hatches, get your children and pets in doors, buy batteries, candles, and water because it’s going to be wild. Trump is going to work even harder to not only destroy the country, the international order established by liberal democracies, and the world, he’s going to be siccing his flying monkey squad on individuals, groups, and organizations alike. In his mind, we must all burn.

3 replies »

  1. This is beyond fantastic news! 🤩🥳

    However, between now and July 11th, the Baby Orange Orangutan’s sentencing, a lot of illegal, mob-boss, dark alley sh*t can happen, and tRumpy-ass might avoid prison or flee the country. This is NOT out of the realm of possibility.

    Nevertheless, this is STILL wonderful news along the lines of VE-Day and VJ-Day in 1945! 😁

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The news pleased me, though I think that either-instead of or in conjunction with reporting the number of people who say they still support tfg for pres, news announcers ought to include the charges of which tfg was convicted. Some people truly don’t know what those are, because their usual outlets don’t bother, but neither do networks. It could shake loose a vote or two if they knew.

    Of course, it’s misongynist of/for those who don’t care that tfg’s convicted of paying hush money to a woman with whom he had sex, but of course many more of us know that the crux is the election interference he committed when he paid. And now he’s a convicted felon.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Howdy Ali!

      I’ve long ago given up on the media to actually present stories in any meaningful way other than that which gets them more clicks, likes, and shares. Clickbait rules our information sphere.

      I think that the 2016 election demonstrated that misogyny trumps racism in America. I hope I don’t offend anyone by saying that, but I think ore people were put off by Clinton because she wasn’t feminine enough or they were truly freaked by the thought of having a woman president than those who were put off by Obama because he was Black. It could be that Obama was light enough in his skin tone and could speak white well enough that some people who wouldn’t vote for a Black person voted for him.

      Anywho, the same misogyny that got America to “forgive” and accept Clinton’s abuse of Moica Lewinsky and then go on to further abuse Lewinsky is the same misogyny that will make Trump’s conviction acceptable or insignificant. Ironic, isn’t it? All those “liberals” who defend Clinton and attacked Lewinsky are now minimizing Trump’s offense.


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