Antisocial Personality Disorder

What is Fucking Wrong with Mitch McConnell: Psychopathy? Bad Gas? Sexless Marriage?

We here at Ye Olde Blogge are happy to see that Smitch SmcConnell is in the news for being a right regular turtle’s behind for ignoring legislation, smirking about confirming Supreme Court nominations in an election year, being caught red-handed grabbing with his two hands and the two hands of his wife, Elaine Chao, current Secretary of Transportation for the Ol’ Pussy Grabber. Wonder if Smitch ever wonders if the Ol’ Pussy Grabber ever grabbed her by the pussy? Would he care if it had happened? Dunno. Probably not.

Just what the fuck is wrong with Smitch SmcConnell?

Mitch McConnell’s Hit Parade of Dick Moves

First, let’s just take a bit more detailed walk through of Smitch’s misdeeds sold dirt cheap:

  • He stole a Supreme Court nomination and claims its one of his proudest moment!
  • He swore he would make Obama a one-term president and used every connivance to obstruct America to make Obama seem ineffective. Turns out Smitch was ineffective.

McConnell: The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.

NJ: Does that mean endless, or at least frequent, confrontation with the president?

McConnell: If President Obama does a Clintonian backflip, if he’s willing to meet us halfway on some of the biggest issues, it’s not inappropriate for us to do business with him.

Interview with the National Journal 23 October 2010, quoted in the Washington Post
  • Turns out Smitch also lied about it not being inappropriate for us (Senate Repubes) to do business with him. Obama tried every which way to compromise with Repubes. Hell, the ACA was a Repube idea!
  • He blocked 79 Obama judicial nominees when in the entire 230 some-odd year history of the USofA, only 68 nominees had been blocked.

As Robert Reich notes in his article for the Guardian on the destructiveness of Smitch, Abraham Lincoln viewed political institutions like the Senate as the legacy bequethed to us.” In essence, Smitch is destroying the government to get his own way. It is a perversion of the principles of democracy.

Smitch’s approach to governance is summed up in his quote, …winners make policy and losers go home.” And, it is at great odds with the views of our Founding Fathers, for example, Ben Franklin, Both sides must part with some of their demands in order that they may join in some accommodating proposition.” Or as John McCain said when he cast the deciding vote to retain the ACA, “they had an obligation to work collaboratively to ensure the Senate discharged its constitutional responsibilities effectively.”

Both sides must part with some of their demands in order that they may join in some accommodating proposition.

Ben Franklin

The Russia Connection

Smitch’s destructiveness doesn’t stop there. It extends to Russian money and Russian interference in our elections! He quite famously opposed the Obama administration’s attempt to get a bipartisan condemnation of the Russian interference in the 2016 election. It was widely reported that in a meeting of various intelligence community members, administration folks, and Congressional leaders that the Obama administration wanted to issue a joint declaration, but McConnell, specifically, (a) questioned the veracity of the intelligence implicating Russia (kinda like the Ol’ Pussy Grabber has done) and (b) refused to sign a bipartisan letter.

Then, when the Mueller probe ended, the loose jowled wonder suggested that had Obama provided stronger leadership, Russian interference might not have happened. But, Smitch had done all he could to thwart that leadership! Shame died in that instant.

Then there is Smitch’s personal ties to Russian money — I’m not saying he’s bought and paid for, but Russia ain’t being supported by no Democrats. First is the Oleg Deripaska connection. You may recall that Deripaska was personally sanctioned by the US for his nefarious activities, but the Repubes mysteriously insisted that he be unsanctioned. Gee, one wonders why… oh! Deripaska is building a new aluminum plant in Kentucky, the state that Smitch ostensibly represents in the Senate. Was there a connection? Only Smitch knows for sure, but it would be irresponsible not to speculate.

Len Blavatnik a curiously passported Russian oligarch generously donated 2.5 million bucks to Smitch’s PAC and to Smitch’s 2016 campaign. And, just to sweeten the connections. Blavatnik is a pal of Deripaska’s. Again, is Smitch bought and paid for? Is he available to the highest bidder? It sure as shit sounds like it.


How does all of this horrific destructive traitorous behavior relate to the signs and symptoms of psychopathy? Psychopath and related terms including sociopath are not well defined psychological, psychiatric, medical terms. They are vernacular akin to calling someone a lunatic or maniac. There is no definition that comes with an established set of symptoms. Just FYI, the chiefest difference between psychopath and sociopath according to this Psychology Today article amounts to sociopaths have weak executive functioning and psychopaths, stronger. Meh!

This distinction makes the Ol’ Pussy Grabber a sociopath or with sociopathic tendencies and Smitch a psychopath. The Ol’ Pussy Grabber ain’t got no executive functioning, but Smitch has executive functioning in spades. Neither feel bound by laws, rules, or norms, though.

Antisocial Personality Disorder

The DSM-5 lumps both into antisocial personality disorder. There are six criteria that must be met before a person can be diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder.

Personality impairments: (1) The functioning of the self is impaired as manifested by failures of identity and self-direction. Identity is related to ego-centrism and self-esteem based on personal gain, power, or pleasure. Self-direction involves the ability to set goals for personal gratification but do not meet prosocial internal standards due to failure to conform to lawful or culturally normative ethical behavior. And (2) interpersonal relationships are impaired due to a lack of empathy and intimacy. Empathy is defined as lacking concern for the feelings, needs, or suffering of others and a lack of remorse after hurting or mistreating another.

Pathological personality traits: (1) The person is question is antagonistic as evidenced by manipulativeness, deceitfulness, callousness, and hostility. Antagonism includes the sue of subterfuge to control others or seduction (I just threw up a little), charm, glibness, or ingratiation to achieve goals. These folks are frequently dishonest and fraudulent. They misrepresent, embellish, or fabricate events, facts, and anything and everything else. They lack concern for the feelings or problems of others. They feel no guilt or remorse about harming others. They are aggressive or sadistic. They indulge in anger or irritability; they are mean, nasty, or vengeful. And (2) they are disinhibited (again, I’m feeling very queasy). They are irresponsible by having little regard for their obligations, agreements, and promises. They are impulsive with little consideration for the outcomes of their actions. And, they take risks including dangerous, risky, and self-damaging acts.

Stability across time: Both the personality functioning and personality traits are stable across time and situations.

Independent of developmental stage or socio-cultural environment: Both the personality functioning and personality traits are not due to their age, development, or social or cultural origins. These people are mean nasty fuckers all on their own and not because everybody where they’re from are.

Independent of chemical substance use or medical condition: Both the personality functioning and personality traits are not due to any drug, medication, or other chemical they’ve ingested or disease or trauma they’ve suffered. In other words, they didn’t get hit over the head or snort bath salts to end up like this.

Age: The person in question is 18 years of age or older.

Psychopathic Mitch

Any of this sound like Smitch? I think a lot of it does. Symptoms cluster around personality functioning and traits, so we’ll take it like that.

Personality Functioning

Self functioning, identity: I think there can be no doubt that Smitch’s self-esteem is based on personal gain, power, and pleasure. He enjoys being the leader of the Senate Repubes, thwarting Obama, giving tax breaks to his rich task masters, serving his Russian owners, and packing the courts with fascists.

Self functioning, self-direction: Given the harshness of his judicial approvals alone — the radical anti-abortionists, the misogynists, the racists, the status-quo-protecting, white-male-privilege promoting, anti-immigrant — shows he has no prosocial (altruistic) internal standard. Given how badly he has blown up the Senate during his tenure as both the minority and majority leader, he does not feel he must conform to any law (the Constitution) or cultural norm (the traditions of the Senate) or ethical behavior.

Personality Traits

Interpersonal functioning, empathy: Being against easily accessed healthcare and contraception condemns Americans to medical bankruptcy and unwanted pregnancies, which impoverish women. He has no remorse for the harm that he has inflicted. Just the refusal to consider limitations on gun use condemns 30,000+ Americans to death every year. The inability to provide opioid treatment condemns 17,000 to death every year. Standing by while the Ol’ Pussy Grabber separates children and parents with no visible means of rejoining them and the construction of literal concentration camps. Jeezus, the list goes on.

Interpersonal functioning, intimacy: I don’t know about his marriages and other things that I’d rather not imagine or think about or ewww. But, we can have other close relationships, and his relationship to other senators might suffice. Smitch’s attempts to blame Obama exclusively for not preventing Russian interference in the 2016 elections shows the ease with which he lies. His refusal to allow any legislation to come to the floor in spite of complaints from his caucus.


When you look at it all taken together it is overwhelming. He is a psychopath. He really does not care a whit about the US, our democracy, our traditions, or anything or anyone but himself. He really does want to create a single-party, pseudo-democratic, authoritarian state like they have in Russia.

We’ve got to accept that and place our outrage where it belongs.

19 replies »

  1. If and when a Nuremberg type trial ever takes place to judge the key figures on this mid administration, McConnell’s cruelty and disregard of American norms will be laid bare fior the harshest punishments.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Howdy Usfman!
      It’s great to hear from you again! I hope things in your blogging world are going well.

      I fear that the only accountability for McConnell is losing an election. I understand he is not popular in Kentucky, so maybe? Perhaps a future administration will conduct a thorough investigation into just how far Russian money has penetrated the American political landscape, but other than that probably Mitch walks into retirement with his millions of Russian money.



  2. Like Trump, Mitch sees everything as a zero-sum game. I have to wonder what will happen (as, for example, when Trump’s tariff obsession finally [soon, perhaps] wrecks the business of the major donors to the GOP, they can’t both win and Mitch has to choose between loyalty to the Prez and loyalty to the money people who will fund the RNC and senatorial reelection campaigns.

    As an aside, a (thankfully) short clip from Trump’s rally in Florida is the clearest and most blatant example of projection I have ever heard, describing the Democrats as driven by hate and a desire to destroy the nation.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Howdy Bob!
      I’ve pondered the projection thing from the beginning and finally decided that it is a product of human nature in general, a cognitive bias, if you will, and then his narcissism causes it to go nuclear. In general, we see ourselves as being average and assume that everyone will do and think like we do. With a little push, though, most of us will be able to cognitively, but not always emotionally, see that it is not true. Because Trump cannot conceive of anything other than himself, he is absolutely sure everyone is thinking and behaving (a) just as he would and (b) just as he thinks they do. Vicious circle.

      Mitch has no loyalty other than to himself. He will drop Trump in a heartbeat if and when he ever perceives that Trump is threatening his political power and place. Luckily, Mitch is leading the groupthink of the GOP and probably won’t see it coming until it is too late unlike the GOP in Nixon’s time when they were looking for signs that the country was supporting impeachment.

      You’d think the 2018 election would be enough to shake their confidence, but Mitch is confident that he and his Senate majority are ensconced in a geographical advantage. He feels safe to ignore all the warnings that the country is turning against him and the GOP.

      Now, we have to hope that the country actually does.


      Liked by 1 person

      • I agree about both of them. Trump, in particular simply cannot understand anyone who is characterologically different from him, Robert Mueller, for example, also, Putin. I think that’s what happened a Helsinki that left Trump looking confused and disoriented. Trump was there to talk about personal friendship and loyalty. Putin was there to talk about the relationship between Russia and the US with nothing personal about it. Trump consistently interprets his relationships with the other dictators he admires in terms of personal friendship when they are thinking in terms of their personal power and geopolitics, which is why he pitches such a hissy fit when they insist on pursuing their own and their nations’ interests and not doing what he wants.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Howdy Bob!
          But rather than cut off unsatisfying relationships, resort to pursuing his own geopolitical interests (he doesn’t have any), or seeking to improve his personal relationships with his “peers,” he just blunders ahead pretending to all who will listen that all is well and he is loved.


          Liked by 1 person

          • Not only is all well in his pronouncements, ALL IS GREAT, FANTASTIC, HUGE, UNPRECEDENTED, RECORD BREAKING, ETC., AND ALL HIS DOING ALL BY HIMSELF. And, whatever is not that is … well, you know the drill. His grandiosity knows no bounds.

            Liked by 1 person

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