Abnormal Psychology

The Coming Psychopathocracy: How the Dark Tetrad has taken over the Republican Party

Death stalks our land. Fear, misery, and despair grips our people. Division and discord mar our discourse. We watch in disbelief as an entire segment of our populace falls beneath the veil of mass psychosis. Nothing we do, nothing that happens, nothing on the face of the earth seems capable of piercing this mass delusion.

Many in MAGA Nation have twisted their psyches into a Gordian knot of cognitive dissonance so that they can continue believing the foundation of lies that their reality is built upon. This foundation of constantly shifting lies cannot hold the tottering edifice of their towering reality for long. It must come crashing down in a sad tumultuous tragic return to the world sanity.

In the meantime, violence breaks out in the most innocuous places: grocery stores, movie theaters, airplanes. Political violence looms as elected and appointed officials and publicly known experts receive death threats on a daily basis; militant groups plan rallies to intimidate and commit mass acts of terrorism; and individuals finally fulfill promises made to themselves and those that they follow to exact revenge upon those of us who do not share their reality built upon lies.

A Special Kind of Person Tells a Special Kind of Lies

Watching 1500 fellow Americans die everyday of a disease that is wholly preventable with a vaccine; watching hospitals overwhelmed by those unvaccinated now sick with #COVID19; watching even more people crowd the emergency rooms overdosing on a horse dewormer erroneously used as treatment; watching doctors and nurses voice their frustration and anguish of treating too many with too few resources, and still being able to vociferously denounce vaccination and masking takes a special kind of person.

Watching 1,000 people ransack our Capitol and threaten to assassinate members of Congress and the Vice President; watching a hysterical mob attack and maim police officers resulting in permanent injury and death; watching groups of people fighting in the streets as protest and counter-protest meet; watching state legislatures pass laws that make a mockery of our democracy and will ultimately destroy it, and still being able to repeat the lie that the 2020 election was stolen with a straight face takes a special kind of person.

Writing a law that will condemn thousands of women to make the agonizing choice between having a child they don’t want for whatever reason and a horrific unsafe illegal abortion; writing a law that will turn neighbor upon neighbor, sibling upon sibling in order to outlaw a safe medical procedure; writing a law that will encourage everyday citizens to file frivolous, harassing, bankrupting lawsuits against law abiding doctors and clinics, and proudly announce that you are doing it because you believe so strongly in the sanctity of life takes a special kind of person.

We all lie everyday. We tell big and small lies, dark and white lies. Some lie more than other, but no one lies more than the Ol’ Pussy Grabber, science fact. But, to lie day in and day out for over a year and half while 600,000 people die horrific miserable deaths and 40 million people contract a life altering disease. To lie everyday while our democracy is unraveled around us. To lie everyday while women are being condemned to lives of poverty and tremendous personal, medical, and financial risk takes someone who is far far from normal, from average, from the typical person that you’ll meet.

Those “leaders” who seek the limelight whether through elected office, professional media platforms, social media, or just loudly braying in our everyday spaces are psychopaths. They possess a cluster of personality and behavioral traits and characteristics that set them apart from the rest of us. They have the traits of the dark tetrad of personality traits.

The Dark Tetrad of Personality Traits

The dark tetrad of personality traits consists of these four qualities:

  • Psychopathy is characterized by a callous disregard for the well-being of others, an inability to feel empathy or guilt.
  • Machiavellianism is the willingness to use deception and manipulation to achieve your goals without regard to the harms they may cause on others. These people frequently use ends justify the means type reasoning.
  • Narcissism is the overwhelming concern for one’s own self, needs, and well-being without acknowledging the needs of others or understanding that they exist.
  • Sadism is the enjoyment of pain in others this can be physical or psychological pain, it can large amounts of pain or minor discomforts that people feel.

Anyone who at this point who is not promoting the #COVID19 vaccines, mask wearing, and social distancing or who is promoting the use of ivermectin has to have a is a tremendous callousness towards our fellow human beings. They cannot be feeling any guilt or remorse for their behaviors or actions. In short, thy are a psychopath.

If they are promoting anything other the vaccines and mitigating behaviors for their political or financial gain at the expense of the health, well-being, and lives of those who listen to them, then they are being tremendously Machiavellian. They are using deception and manipulation without regard to the harm they are causing others to achieve their goals.

If anyone is choosing to allow people to sicken and possibly die rather than take the simple and safe step of taking a vaccine, then they are being sadistic. They are benefiting and profiting off of the pain of others.

To inflict the waves of terror that the #COVID19 pandemic is battering us with and allowing it to deepen the mass psychosis that grips MAGA Nation is to behave with no regard for the needs of others and to whole absorbed in only one’s own needs. It is a narcissism that is tremendously astounding. Breathtaking.

And, the GQP has encouraged people with this dark tetrad of personality traits to come forward and either run for office or be appointed to office. There are truly an amazing number of them operating in all areas of conservatism today. The Republican Party, right wing media, and the conservative movement have been taken over by narcissists, sadists, and psychopaths. They are driving out anyone who does not share these antisocial tendencies from the party, social media, “journalism,” and the rank and vile.

Anyone who does not have at their core an ability to inflict suffering on a massive scale on others in order to achieve whatever personal gain they think it will bring them has long since left the party and movement. No one who is left who publicly identifies with these folks can be anyone else. The suffering and cruelty that they’ve unleashed upon the country and world betrays any claims otherwise. We are truly living through the rise of the psychopath soon we may find ourselves living in a psychopathocracy.

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Image Attribution

“The big lie” by M0rph3u is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

36 replies »

  1. Psychopathy – Machiavellianism – Narcissism – Sadism.

    All of them have one thing in common; Expressing those traits makes a person, appear to be, powerful, strong, willful and in control. Most effective leaders have those traits on their dark-side but more or less balanced with light-side traits such as empathy, self-sacrifice, understanding and concern.

    Unfortunately, Trump, who very well may be our next president, has all the dark-side and none of the light-side. It is all an act. There is, quite literally, nothing underneath. He is, has always been, and will remain a deeply sad and unhappy man. A man that spreads unhappiness and destroys everything he touches. But he looks strong to those who don’t know what real strength is.

    25% of the American people are already impressed because his apparent strength meshes with their weakness and their desire to ‘be strong’. Another 20% will, or have already, come around once sufficiently bludgeoned by propaganda. And cheating will carry the final 5 or 6%.

    It can’t happen here. It is impossible right until the point it becomes inevitable. It starts with underestimating him. Grows with denial and assumptions that political and social norms will protect us. Becomes inevitable when people try to appease the beast to stay in power while thinking he will owe them future moderation or influence in return for their help. Forgetting that loyalty only flows one way


    Scary. Depending on how the mid-terms go I’m thinking about getting out. The right has already thought through what they want to do with liberals. Look up what they were accusing liberals of doing in the 80s. Prison trains, mass executions, FEMA camps. Remember that for the right EAIAC.

    Canada is not as cold as it was. Australia might be nice. I live in a liberal enclave surrounded by deep, deep, blood-red South. Doesn’t seem a likely place for another Kingdom of Jones. Perhaps learn Spanish, buy guns, and move south of Miami. Maybe California.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, yes, and yes, Art! We’ve been writing about all of this for the past five years. All of this was painfully predictable once you understand the dark tetrad cluster of personalities and the effects of groupthink and cognitive dissonance. And, the worst part of it all is that all they do is confess and project. Whatever they are leary of us doing — Death panels anyone? Alaska? Do you have death panels, yet? Why yes. Yes you do. — to them is exactly what they are planning on doing to us. That such a large portion of the population is too disinterested to pay attention or care is the scariest part of it all. The only way democracy saves itself is by everyone voting and being informed. Something we’ve demonstrated that we’re not very good at.



  2. Howdy y’all!

    I thought I’d take my own advice and tell you my favorite Republican psychopaths. It varies depending on the day of the week and the phase of the moon, but right now it has to be Gregg Abbott who suggested on real live TV to real live listening people and the real live watching American public that the draconian Texas forced birth and vigilante law does not neither restrict abortion since it gives womens six whole weeks to get an abortion after god whispers in their ear that he has caused them to be pregnant. Six weeks. See? That’s a long time. Illusory explanation and gaslighter. No wonder MAGA nation is psychotic.

    Then, he went on to say that no one will be pregnant after being raped because Texas is going to lock up all of the rapists. Hunh? How does that work? You’re going to lock them up BEFORE they rape someone? Maybe Boof-K should think twice before he gets into a Lone Star state of mind…

    Lying like that defies any sense of humanity. The man has absolutely no gumption about lying straight into the camera. No sense of shame for the incredible stories he’s telling or guilt for the pain and misery he’s inflicting on the state just so he can lose the GQP presidential primary in 2024… hell, just so he can lose the governorship in 2022.

    Cheezus crucified on a Ritz cracker.



  3. Not to be morbid, but anyone who purchased Ivermetcin, Oxychloroquine or anything else to cure COVID and wound up in the hospital (when they could have received a free vaccination) should be put on the bottom of the treatment list and not be given a priority when it comes time to be cured. I realize that is not how modern medicine is practiced but personally I have almost ran out of patience with people who think they know better than medical science.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Howdy Jerry!

      So may people are feeling like that. I know I am. In some ways we’re lucky that we don’t go with our gut instinct.

      That feeling is one of the feelings that is contributing in a very real way to burnout among doctors and nurses, though. They have to go through the stress and strain of the intensive treatment that #COVID19 requires knowing that it was all preventable and the people they’re stressing over did nothing to protect them. That has got to be maddening.



  4. Truth, blunt truth, and let us not forget the deniers of climate change who insist we must just “drill, baby, drill” and not do anything about it that might “cost jobs in the energy industry”, while thousands and tens of thousands flee storms that can wipe a town from the map and drown some in basement apartments 900 miles away, and whole towns flee unstoppable fires.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Howdy Bob!

      By now everyone realizes that everyone in the fossil fuels industry knew about its connection to climate change thirty years ago and chose to do nothing but drill baby drill.

      People like The Quitter may have been a genuine useful idiot and not realized the connection, but by now, if you don’t, it is because you’re willfully ignorant.

      These things seem so obvious unless you’ve got an oil and gas lobbyist giving you money hand-over-fist. Then, you’re mind is a little uncertain.


      Liked by 1 person

        • Again, I’m back to the difference between a millionaire and billionaire. There is so much money at the top that it must distort people’s thinking, and it will buy a lot of influence much more than a mere millionaire could ever hope to do. The failure to curb that kind of concentration of wealth will be our downfall. It is the root of every negative thing and our inability to cope with our current situation. It is the root of all evil, you might say.


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          • There does seem to be a tipping point of wealth inequality that inevitably produces massive dysfunction unless there is some mechanism of redistribution at least of goods if not ownership (public works projects and such).

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            • I’ve heard pundits say something similar in that every revolution has been preceded by gaping inequality. I don’t know how true that is, but that’s what I’ve heard. I believe it. If that’s the case, we’re in for some violent upheaval.


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              • The wealth gap, bad as it is at the national level is even worse at the global level. To date, the wealthy nations of the global North have given little more than lip service to help the poorer nations of the Global South deal with the problems the Northerners have created, most notably, climate change, but also our so called “War On Terror”. Europe is pretty much fed up with taking refugees, and we can’t seem to figure out what to do about the refugee flow at our southern border other than shut it. Those flows will only increase and the chaos in the places they come from will get worse.

                Liked by 1 person

                • Howdy Bob!

                  Once again the culture of punishment and heavy-handed social control shows its ugly face and the results will only increase human suffering and misery. Not only can’t the earth sustain our current population and levels of pollution, our social system can’t sustain our hierarchical structure and the top 1%. Something will have to give somewhere and when it does, it won’t be pretty.


                  Liked by 1 person

                  • It is looking like a three way race between “the revenge of the 99%”, climate change, and pandemic disease (COVID won’t be the last, if it ever really ends). All three of them are messing with supply chains, even including millions of low paid, front-line workers refusing to go back to those crappy jobs. People freaked out about toilet paper. What sort of hell breaks loose when it is Big Macs and Whoppers? The global economic system has been wound too tight and it is fragile without slack, besides being unsustainable.

                    Liked by 1 person

                  • What does social breakdown look like? Lebanon – shortages of everything, worthless currency, and a corrupt oligarchy that let the whole thing blow up, not just a huge pile of ammonium nitrate improperly stored in their capital city.

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                    • Howdy Bob!

                      You can’t really trust that the elections there are fair and free, kinda like what the GQP wants to do here. The corruption in Lebanon is rampant. The wealthy buy off the government to violate whatever rule or law like that which led to the ammonium nitrate exploded. I heard that central Beirut is completely dark at night due to the lack of fuel to run the generator stations, but the “rich” neighborhood is completely lit and that’s where the nightlife is happening now.


                      Liked by 1 person

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