Tag: 6 January Insurrection

Does Trump have what it takes to install himself as dictator? Will he do the bidding of the conservative movement if he's back in office?

Comment on This! Trump’s Feculent Touch Stopped Him on 6 January, But Did His Handlers Learn From It?

Reading time: 1 minute
Trump has the feculent touch. He couldn’t make the 6 January Insurrection succeed. He’s not going to do the bidding of the conservative movement if he’s returned to office. It’s gonna be all the grift all the time and no one is stealing his limelight.

How close is the US to facing an armed insurgency? Damn close.

Civil War: Know the Warning Signs

Reading time: 6 minutes
How close is the US to facing an armed insurgency? Damn close. We’re already on the cusp of stage 3. We’re living in an anocracy. We have sharply divided identity politics dominated by white grievance. We are closer than most of us think.

Anyone who supports furthering the Big Lie and the 6 January Insurrection false flag theory is anti-democratic

Charles Koch, Racial Animus, Critical Race Theory Furor, and What to Do About It

Reading time: 4 minutes
Anyone who supports either the Big Lie or the 6 January Insurrection false flag theory are clearly anti-democratic. It is clear that the goal is to create this single-party pseudo-democratic minority-rule autocracy that will quickly and efficiently transfer the nation’s wealth to the one percent, all them to intimidate all rivals, and duke it out with China as they divvy up the remainder of the world’s natural resources.

What will likely happen because Trump believes he'll be reinstated?

Trump, Narcissism, Indictments, Election Loss, and the August Insurrection: Some Predictions

Reading time: 5 minutes
There is a substantial minority of Americans who believe the Big Lie and that Trump is going to be reinstated by some bloddy miracle. What is likely to happen? How likely is it that we’ll see another organized insurrection? A disorganized one? Random sporadic lone-wolf violence? The GQP stealing our elections at the state level? Here are some predictions based on application of narcissistic personality disorder.

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