Cognitive Psychology

Whaz Up!?! The Caturday from Hell!

Howdy y’all!

Here we are at the beginning of one of the most important months of the year on Ye Olde Blogge! Autism Awareness-Appreciation-Celebration Month. It should be a fun month since Khmer New Year happens next week: plenty of time to write and schedule the posts. Let’s hope my ass ain’t farting checks my fingers can’t tap out.

In addition to completing our report cards this week — Didn’t we just DO this? How is it possible that we have to do it AGAIN!?! How is that even fair? — we had some fun animal encounters, April Fools Day, and started training for the Phnom Penh half marathon!

Animal Fun

  • Early in the week, two hornbills visited the school. They are impressively large birds, which always astonish when they fly, but that beak makes it doubly astonishing. They impressed the students and faculty alike as they flew around the courtyard.
  • When we were picking up a package, we noticed two cats looking interested in something in the motorcycle parking lot. I decided to check it out and found the scene to the left. Later I saw the cats again. The one was so delighted with her catch that she was playing with it. Either teasing her friend or anticipating the meal.

Animal Encounters

Are their hornbills in Phnom Penh?
Hornbill at school
Do hornbills live in Cambodia?
Hornbill at school
Are cats good mousers?
Freshly caught mouse
What do cats do with dead mice?
Cats don’t share
Do cats share their kills with other cats?
Being envied is so much fun!
Showing off to her little friend
Catch me if you can!

April Fools Day

Pranking sixth graders is always fun. My favorite prank was telling my seventh graders that the vice principal was collecting toothbrushes and a pair of underwear from each of the students in case we had to shelter in place at the school overnight. It was in Kenya and if there were a riot or coup or Mt. Longonot exploded, we might could be better off bedding down at the school. Unfortunately, it was my first month there, so I didn’t actually do it. It would’ve been hysterical, though. Here Mr. Crain. Here’s my spare toothbrush and pair of underwear. I regret it to this day.

This year, we doused all of the student’s water bottles with lemon juice. The looks on their faces when they took a big gulp was priceless! Lemon juice. That was inspired.

Please, tell us about your favorite April Fools Day jokes in the comments.

Half Marathon

I had been running pretty regularly there at the end of the fall and through the December break. I had gotten up to a 10K. Sometime in January, I fell off the running wagon. But, I’m back. I started the training on Saturday with a brisk 6K. Now, I have to get up at 5:00 AM and run three mornings a week. Stop laughing. I’ll do it. I swear I will. I’ve got twelve weeks to reach a distance of 21K. That’s plenty of time.

The Week’s Reading

I have to confess that I didn’t read as extensively in the legacy or paid media as I usually do. I kept up with the headlines and the major stories, but all y’all have done that. You don’t need Ye Olde Blogge to be directing you to those stories, so we’ll skip straight to my favorite blog posts from the week!

Favorite Blog Posts

Here were the blog posts that caught my attention this week:

  • REPORT CARD?!? Nobody said there’d be REPORT CARDS! Well, I guess if you’re trying to instill some financial discipline, you might could grade yourself once you’ve set your goals. I swear, I thought that’s why people got married. At least, that’s why I did… just don’t tell Ma Belle Femme! (Chatty Introvert)
  • NO FOOLIN’! Raising money for a worthy cause is something that I hope we all do now and again, and more now than again. One of my favorite blogs raised $3,742.00 for muscular dystrophy, a cause near and dear to the blog. (Greater than Gravity)
  • WE BELONG TOGETHER ALWAYS! Sentimental Hollywood dramas can really capture a moment and help us understand ourselves, relationships, and the world better. When it comes to thirties black and whites, though, I’m more of a Thin Man type myself, but here’s a reflection on what it means to belong together always. (On Being Gay and Grieving)
  • PASSIVE-AGGRESSIVE PHONES! That’s the way my sMaRt PhOnE has always treated me, but those crazy kids nowadays are going back to the dumb phones that only make phone calls and send text messages and take lousy pictures because reasonable or something. Smart alecky kids. (bluewater)
  • VERTIGO! The thought of getting vertical just makes my head spin, but otherwise, here’s a nifty pictorial essay of a visit to the Wolfsonian Museum’s display of visions of the airborne life from the beginning of the last century. Some really amazing works are pictured there. (Snippets from a Traveling Mind)
  • NO FOOLS LIKE A FRENCH FOOL? Or something like that. No matter what you think of the French or France, we’ve got an informative and entertaining compendium of the history of the entertaining French fools, farce, and fanfare. (cas d’interet)

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Image Attribution

The picture of the cat is mine and is free to be used and abused by whoever can manage to use or abuse it.

25 replies »

  1. Is that a turtle that the cat found? If so, a serious challenge for the curiosity of the the cat and more an aggravation than a danger for the turtle. Hornbills are amazing birds.

    Thanks for the shout out. I am enjoying finding EMJE and her style of art and humor.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Howdy Bob!

      Somehow I missed the first paragraph of your comment. No, that was a big black mouse. It was an astonishing sight to come around the end of the row of motorcycles and see the cat with a freshly killed mouse in its mouth. I knew they were excited by something, but I’m used to our lazy well-fed house cats who will go play with bugs and things but rarely actually take anything. We used to get lizards and birds from our outdoor cats when I was a kid, but none of my cats when I was an adult were really worth a darn as far as vermin were concerned.

      My fun fact about hornbills is that they hop! They hop! They are huge dignified birds until they start hopping and then it is just comical.


      Liked by 1 person

  2. That was but half the original post, thank you, repurposed to the specific observation “there isn’t enough water to last to the end of May.” They’ll brew beer right down to the last drop.

    You know, it’s only half a joke, tongue firmly in cheek, when I point out how accurately the drought monitor maps the Mad Hatters. The blood-red that is the middle of that map and all of my “homeland” has since the nineteen thirties been under Oregon Fish and Wildlife advisement to don’t eat the fish, don’t drink the water.

    Mercury …

    Liked by 1 person

    • Howdy Ten Bears!

      Until we were able to purify water reliably and cheaply, most people did drink alcohol.

      It is ashame that we’ve so despoiled our wilderness that it is dangerous to even visit. I’ve been backpacking through national parks in West Texas and come across radioactive areas where you weren’t allowed to enter. The folks living in Cancer Alley in Louisiana shouldn’t even be living there, but where else are they going to go?

      The person who cuts down the last tree in the Amazon or refuses to curb their carbon emissions or tosses the next piece of trash onto our streets will have a good reason for doing it. Human nature being what it is, we can rationalize any behavior as okay as long as we’re doing it or it benefits us.



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