
Protect Our Democracy: Contact the Michigan State Legislative Leaders

UPDATED ON 21 NOVEMBER: As reported in the New York Intelligencer earlier today:

after an eyeball-to-eyeball meeting with the president, state Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey and House Speaker Lee Chatfield publicly announced that “we have not yet been made aware of any information that would change the outcome of the election in Michigan, and as legislative leaders we will follow the law and follow the normal process regarding Michigan’s electors, as we have said throughout this election.” Michigan Legislators Spurn Trump’s Bid to Overturn Election Results By Ed Kilgore

This is Michigan State Senate Leader Mike Shirkey’s tweet of his published statement.

Our democratic norms have held. We are passing the test of our democracy thanks in no small part to your willingness to take action to support our democracy. Thank you for your efforts in supporting the Michigan State legislative leaders in resisting Trump’s authoritarian move.

Please take a moment to thank them both for standing up to the enormous pressure that Trump, the GOP, and Trump supporters placed on them.

Thank you for standing up for our democracy and the rule of law. Your stand demonstrates that democratic norms have deep roots in America. We will continue as a democracy. Thank you for helping me be proud of America, again.

Thank you for standing up for our democracy and the rule of law. Your stand demonstrates that democratic norms have deep roots in America. We will continue as a democracy. Thank you for helping me be proud of America, again.

Today, the Ol’ Pussy Grabber invited the Michigan state legislative leaders, House Speaker Lee Chatfield, R-Levering, and Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey, R- Clarklake, to a meeting in the White House. Undoubtedly, the meeting will be about the state legislature appointing a Trump-friendly slate of electors to go to the Electoral College meeting and elect Trump for a second term, or to force Congress to choose which slate of electors to accept from the State of Michigan.

We need to contact both men and POLITELY urge them to support democracy and allow the slate of electors of the states popular vote winners to go forward. They will be under enormous pressure by Trump supporters to defy the popular vote and appoint a competing slate of electors.

They do not need threats from us. They need to know that we have their backs. We need to support these men in doing the right thing. NO DEATH THREATS OR THREATS OF VIOLENCE.

The Script

Written Communication

Use this script in emails, phone calls, or on the contact form:

Dear Mr. Chatfield or Mr. Shirkey:

You are under enormous pressure to appoint a slate of electors friendly to Donald Trump. This pressure will come from Trump himself, the Republican Party, and from Trump supporters. This would be an unprecedented step. It would undermine the very foundation of our democracy of one person, one vote. It would disenfranchise the voters of the entire State of Michigan.

Please, find the strength to stand up to this pressure and do the right thing for our democracy. Allow the vote to stand as is. It is clear that it has been a free and fair election with no significant irregularities having occurred.

Understand, that there are a large number of people in Michigan and in the country that will support your decision to decline the temptation to appoint a slate of electors for Trump. Please support our democracy.


Your name


You can use these two tweets to tweet at both men.

Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey

Stand up for our democracy & decline to appoint a Trump-friendly slate of electors contradicting the Michigan popular vote-winner, #BidenHarris. Understand that you have the support of a majority of people in Michigan and the country.

House Speaker Lee Chatfield, R-Levering

Stand up for our democracy & decline to appoint a Trump-friendly slate of electors contradicting the Michigan popular vote-winner, #BidenHarris. Understand that you have the support of a majority of people in Michigan and the country.

Contact Information

Use this information to contact each of these men to voice your support for our democracy, POLITELY!

Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 30036
Lansing, MI 48909-7536

Phone: 517-373-5932

EMAIL: senmshirkey@senate.michigan.gov

Social Media

House Speaker Lee Chatfield, R-Levering

Lansing Office

162 Capitol Building
Lansing, MI 48933

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 30014
Lansing, MI 48909

Phone: 517-373-2629

Email: LeeChatfield@house.mi.gov

Social Media

If you contact these men, please let us know how it went in the comments! We’d love to hear from you.

Image Attribution

“Michigan State Capitol” by larrysphatpage is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

5 replies »

  1. Excellent message text. Thanks.

    There is also the brewing court fight over the flip-flopping Republican members of the Wayne County Board of Elections attempt to retroactively reverse their vote to approve the results there. The State Board says it is too late to change the votes. Expect a suit to be files ASAP. That will likely also be a subject in today’s meeting at the WH.

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